“Someone sold him fentanyl laced pills that they knew were laced yet still sold them to him so for all these people still f**king around selling and buying this sh*t, my son is gone forever,” she wrote in response.

Here is the ironic twist to this all... Trump wanted to stop the trafficing of fentanyl coming in from the border when he was President and someone very vocal against Trump and who voted for the "OPEN BORDER" policy which is letting the drug come into the country now at record numbers is well Robert De Niro. 

De Niro a leftist libtard went many times to bash Trump while he praised the "OPEN BORDER" conman and thief Joe "Corrupt" Biden. He voted for Biden, endorsed him and mocked and used his platform as a celebrity to trash Trump in every way.

Now thanks to the policies set by his President BIDEN he lost his grandson.... KARMA? Hope this teaches him a lesson that if you vote for Drug addicts who want to destroy our nation with Drugs you lose. 

Come after Trump you lose! Vote for Biden... You lose!

While again the news on his grandson is sad Robert maybe next time you not vote for a racist like JOE BIDEN who wants open borders so he can swing and rig elections.