My Books

We are planning on promoting as many books on this very page as possible. I want to promote people who's work I respect, and actually have read. So please check out some of the books below. Some are of past guests, and some are just books I love, and want to promote...

Remember! Reading is fundamental... :)

Reading Rainbow is a brand that parents and children have loved and trusted for 30 years. As an award-winning children’s television series aired by PBS from 1983 until 2009 it encouraged reading among children. The program produced 155 episodes, each one hosted by famed actor LeVar Burton (ROOTS, Star Trek: TNG, Perception).

Garnering over 200 broadcast awards, 26 Emmys and the Peabody Award, the series was created by WNED-Buffalo, Lancit Media Productions, and Great Plains National Instructional Television.
