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Trump is ‘visibly struggling’ For walking out on the press? Rachel Madcow says dumb shit. Again!

Listen to this moron Rachel Madcow talk about Trump like he’s crazy… Has she not looked in the mirror? Or at Joe Biden? Or the rest of the left which are full of crazy people? Madcow issued a dire warning about The President following his widely-coronavirus press conference on Monday. “In all seriousness, that the president, right now, in the midst of this crisis, is visibly struggling, there’s something wrong or he’s just not doing okay, I don’t know, but the president apparently just is not able to keep it together right now in his public appearances,” Madcow noted.. But wait isn’t that projecting from the mental issues Biden is having? “What is wrong with the president today? We don’t know. Something is wrong,” she said. “Whether or not you, you know, like the president or not, whether you enjoy his public effect or not on a regular basis, it is clear that there is something wrong and that’s important whenever the president of the United States is visibly unwound like that,” she exp