
Showing posts with the label DNC

Super Tuesday II: : 'Biden vs Sanders'

So it’s the 2nd Super Tuesday, and like we all knew Joe Biden is going to easily win the DNC over crazy commie Bernie… I mean once AOC endorsed Sanders I knew he was done. She’s the final nail in the Sanders Presidential Coffin. Her endorsement is as good as hearing that you have both brain, and ass cancer, and have a week to live. AOC is someone hated by just about everyone except some very stupid teenage girls who I guess have a higher IQ than she does, and it makes them feel like “if this moron can get to congress we can reach the stars!” That’s the most positive thing I can think off when it comes to AOC sorry. But like I said when she backed Bernie I knew he was done, and doesn’t matter how many gaffe’s or mental mistakes Biden makes he’s loved by the leftist crooked media, and they will back him, and cover for him until it’s November, and Trump is re-elected. What will happen who knows. All I know is that either Sanders or Biden is bad for this country for the same reason! They’r

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy

Joe Rogan Responds to Bernie Sanders Endorsement Controversy on his show, and he’s got a lot to talk about as the media has doubled down hard on him since he endorsed the BERN. Well what do you know JOE! You get in bed with one of the devils, and the left berns…. burns you too. See the left hates themselves as much as they hate Trump from the looks of it. The country is divided because the left which sadly you adhere to is fucking nuts. Sanders is a moron, and socialist, and just because he’s been consistent in being that for decades doesn’t make his idiotic idology right…. Socialism, Communism has never worked, and will never work. You have the Freedoms you do Joe because you’re not living in one of those countries, and to support, endorse or even come close to being in favor off these ideologies is not just wrong! It’s down right stupid. But you yourself in this video say your dumb…. lol I find this hilarious. This is Karma for what you did to Bill Birnes… LOL You and people whose na