
Showing posts with the label Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham Has a Warning for Kamala Harris, Democrats: 'Be Careful What You Wish For'

A few days away now from now former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has a warning for his Democratic colleagues and this one is good. He said the following. “If you’re going to pursue this, and you want to start calling witnesses, and you want to drag this out, it would be fair to have Kamala Harris’ tape played where she bailed people out of jail,” Graham said. “What more could you do to incite future violence than to pay the bail of the people who broke up the shops and beat up the cops?” he said. “How is that not inciting future violence? Be careful what you wish for, my Democratic colleagues. Be careful what you wish for.” Trying to prolong a sham trial for political purposes could have a political blowback they’re not counting on. And VeePee  Kamala Harris  should be THE primary target, and then her crazy rapist boss JOE BIDEN. Kamala Harris is on record even saying that these people “SHOULD NOT STOP!” So yeah the bitch

Did Lindsey Graham & Bob Woodward sabotaged Trump?

Looks that way folks, and let’s start off with saying that this is no doubt a well timed hit job on Trump… But what did you expect from the fringe swamp creatures bent to get at the President in anyway possible? It’s just been reported that an audio with Trump has come out talking about the Virus. President Trump, like several presidents before him, sat down with journalist Bob Woodward to discuss his legacy and document his world-historic import. The first fruits of those 18 on-the-record interviews dropped Wednesday, in an excerpt of Woodward’s book published in The Washington Post, and the first big splash involved Trump acknowledging in early February that the new coronavirus is “deadly” and acknowledging a month later that he always “wanted to always play it down.” Evidence that the president knew very early on that COVID-19 was a deadly airborne threat to America and deliberately played it down led to a lot of criticism of Trump, plus some finger-wagging at Woodward for keeping t

LINDSEY GRAHAM: GOP Will Repeal Obamacare if Republicans Take the House!

I’ve made major errors in my voting in the past when OBAMA ran I voted both times ALL democrat because I belonged to that party, and only left it during the 2nd year of term 2 of Obama. That’s when it hit me just how evil, crooked, and just plain bad he, and the party was becoming. Obamacare is what made me completely see the snake in the grass he was. I voted mostly independent during the last Presidential elections in 2016 (yes I voted for Trump), and 2018 (midterms). This one after watching these years play out I’m voting 100% Republican, and Trump has again my vote 100% if they replace Obamacare after 2020 as LINDSEY GRAHAM said I will know my vote went to the right party. As long as this party keeps doing the right things, and my conservative views are not thrown away like they had been in past years by both Bush Sr & Jr, Bill Clinton, and Obama eras I will keep voting for republicans. But right now there are some very shady Republicans which we gotta watch. But Obamacare doe