
Showing posts with the label criminal Act

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace “Relieved” Garage Noose Was Not Criminal Act

I recently read about this after hearing on the Radio that the FBI had declared this to be not a “criminal Act” as it’s been shown that this is a standard rope to pull down the garage door. This is all a hoax guys, and why? Well Bubba now becomes the FACT of Nascar, becomes a house hold name, and becomes the Colin Kaepernick of the sport. What’s funny is this is not long after Bubba Wallace lead the march to remove confederate flags from NASCAR, and drove a car with the now domestic terror group #BlackLivesMatter so to quote something I read from somewhere. “Bubba Wallace LIED and NASCAR DIED!!” This is nothing but Joshua Smollett all over again, and it’s all staged by Bubba, and Company. I have no doubt in my mind… Notice how quick he went on all the leftist shows like CNN’s Don Lemonhead! Looks like I’m not the only one who finds it all to ironic, and isn’t buying this whole thing… Guys this is just more leftist propaganda to spread this narrative for “Black Lives Matter” which at th