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Chris Matthews retires on-air!

FIRED, CANCELLED or forced out? You be the judge MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews retires on-air, leaves MID-BROADCAST and is replaced to a stunned Steve Kornacki who took over the broadcast, telling the audience, “That was a lot to take in just now, I’m sure, and I’m sure you’re still absorbing that, and I am too.” Chris announced his retirement at the opening of Hardball Monday night by stating the following “Let me start with my headline: I’m retiring,” said the anchor, who has hosted the show since 1997 at first CNBC, then MSNBC. “Obviously, this isn’t for lack of interest in politics,” Matthews said, explaining how much he loved hosting the show. As for his reason for leaving, Matthews told his audience that he came to the decision after a conversation with MSNBC and that he believed that a younger generation was “ready to take the reins.” He then praised young people for improving conditions in the workplace, then transitioned into an apology for sexual harassment. “Compliments on a w