
Showing posts with the label Police Reform

CNN’s Van Jones Praises President Trump For Police Reform Exec. Order

So after the death of Saint George Floyd at the hands of a idiot Police officers that sparked weeks of violent protests and riots across our country, President Trump just signed a police reform executive order that’s being praised on both the left and the right. The Hill  – The executive order allows the Justice Department to allocate discretionary grant funding to police departments for police training and de-escalation techniques. The department eligible for funding are required to be certified by federally approved bodies. The measure prioritizes federal funding for police departments that embrace de-escalation tactics, including a ban on chokeholds outside of instances where an officer’s life is in danger, and improves the government’s ability to track officers with a history of excessive force complaints. The president’s executive order coincides with ongoing negotiations in Congress for police reform legislation. Sen. Tim Scott  (R-S.C.), who is spearheading the effort for Senate