
Showing posts with the label Balloongate

So a board member of education got booted for defending our Constitution, and denouncing socialism? WTF?

While  Suparna Dutta is Indian American and s he sounds like Ilan Omar in voice tone, and stuff she doesn't in her words, and overall messaging. This lady is a classy woman and mother. So is treated by a liberal white leftist? You would think with open arms right? Well NO! While she's not a hater of our country and stands up for proper education in our school system this is how it goes, this is how she's treated in our so called "Free country!" How does this happen and people like AOC, Ilan Omar and the Fraud leftist squad get to continue to cry about racism everytime someone mentions them as for crimes and bad behavior they are guilty off? Check this story out folks... So in the wake of yet another Biden debacle the whole Chinese Spy Balloongate situation.  A woman who championed "traditional American values" was booted from the Virginia Board of Education one week after sparring with another board member over whether public schools should present socia