
Showing posts with the label Officer Tatum

The officer who pepper sprayed Caron Nazario has been fired! WOW!

OK So this guy is now gonna have the nerve to sue the cops? I mean seriously anyone who watches the body cam, and then his footage can easily tell he’s the one not just at fault! But with how he acted it’s like he was trying his hardest to get shot. But to add insult to injury the officer who hit him with pepper spray was fired! HOW The hell? This moron “ Lt .  Caron Nazario ” was not following the officers commands, he wouldn’t come out the car after being asked over, and over, and over like 15 times to do so. He kept acting stupid or maybe was HIGH! He looked stoned out of his mind, and can’t say nobody else hasn’t noticed? The cop was actually nice considering the actions of “ Lt .  Caron Nazario “ , and he was with a weapon in the car… How are the cops going to know if he’s even sane? There was nothing wrong at all done by the cops here, and to fire the one cop is a joke, and it shows how the powers on the left are hell bent on making the cops always the bad guys if now it’s a libe