
Showing posts with the label The Old Stove Pub


DON LEMONHEAD as I call him just offered a six figure settlement to the man he is being accused of sexually assaulting at a bar, and while at first it seemed that the accusations against Don Lemon were a bit shaky! A photo of the night with Lemon sticking his hands down his pants has surfaced, and well now it seems that things are more credible than those made against Brett Kavanaugh. If you remember the media circus during the Kavanaugh hearings, none of the women accusing him of sexual assault had a witness that could verify their story and claims. Don Lemon of CNN and his alleged sexual assault not only has a witness named GEORGE GOUNELAS, but it seems that Lemon offered the man a six figure settlement to keep quiet about Lemon’s grabbing of the man’s penis. Now why would Lemon offer the man a six figure settlement if he didn’t do it? If there’s a #Metoo movement for all women victims of sexual assault, shouldn’t it include males too? Don Lemonhead you have been EXPOSED! Remember th

CNN's Don Lemon accused of assault in New York bar!

Doesn’t shock me this guy’s a race baiting liar, and scumbag. He should’ve been fired for many things he’s done but the people at CNN keep him on the air for some crazy reason. This a gay man who says “white men are evil” but dates a white man. He does nothing but trash Trump on his show, and white men. I don’t get it… But now this idiot has been accused of assault in strange sexually charged encounter at New York bar tony Hamptons. Now this went down last year in a civil suit filed earlier this week stated that Don Lemonhead met Dustin Hice, of Florida, who was living in the Hamptons and working at The Old Stove Pub in Sagaponack during the summer of 2018. On July 15, after closing, Hice claimed he left with the owner and co-workers to party at another bar, Murf’s Backstreet Tavern, in Sag Harbor, where they saw Lemon. Recognizing the newsman, Hice offered to buy him a vodka drink called a “lemon drop,” according to the suit. Lemon declined the offer, Hice claimed, but later approache