
Showing posts with the label Sgt. Joey Hann

Cedric Charles Moore Arrested after sucker punching 12 year old!

Remember the story I posted about the man who came up from behind, and sucker punched a 12-year-old boy? Well the Police in Missouri have arrested and charged the man accused Cedric Charles Moore, 27, turned himself in to law enforcement on Wednesday and has been charged with second-degree felony assault and first-degree felony child endangerment, according to the Cape Girardeau Police Department. Police were able to quickly identify Moore and issue a warrant for his arrest due to video footage of the assault captured on Facebook Live, which now has nearly 1 million views, according to CNN. The footage clearly shows a man, whom police identified to be Moore, exiting a vehicle from the passenger side before jogging up to the boy unprovoked and sucker-punching him in the face, causing him to bleed. Moore then re-entered the vehicle as it speedily drove away. The boy fell to the ground as a result of the attack and moments later seemed dazed and confused as he hunched over in apparent pai