
Showing posts with the label Dr. Tedros

"Please quarantine politicizing COVID?" WTF? & Trump's poll numbers going up? YUP!

‘Please quarantine politicizing COVID,’ says Dr. Tedros on Trump, ‘We will have many body bags’ Another socialist fucktard loser who can’t help it but talk shit when he knows Trump is doing a good job during tough times. Dr. Tedros in the middle of his poll win over at CNBC (who hates Trump) they can’t lie about this one folks. But look how this site is reporting this which has nothing to do with the impeachment! Replying to a question from “ScienceInsider” about “impeached” US President Donald Trump’s anti-World Heath Organization comments, the WHO’s Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus replied, “Please quarantine politicizing COVID.” Why does he need to bring that up? Just to another stupid asshole… But it doesn’t end there… “We will have many body bags in front of us if we don’t behave,” Dr. Tedros added.” Thank you for the enlightening info you dickhead! From Jon Cohen’s story for ScienceInsider: Tedros also indirectly addressed Trump’s criticisms of China’s early handling of the pandemi