
Showing posts with the label W.H.O


Trump announces halt of funding to WHO pending review of coronavirus response, and I don’t mean Doctor WHO! Even tho that show sure has gone to shit… lol But During a briefing on Tuesday, President Trump slammed the World Health Organization for its response to the global coronavirus outbreak and announced his administration would be halting funding pending an investigation. For years I’ve been skeptical of what exactly “W.H.O” helps in to me they’re nothing more than a global scam put for money, and power. This is 100% the right thing for Trump and the USA to do. Make these fuckers answer the question about how they allowed this shit to happen… China, and all involved need to be brought to JUSTICE. WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ What would we do without these experts giving us valuable guidance like this? #Trump #MAGA #WakeUpAmerica — Nightingale Associates (@sa_nightingale) April 16, 2020 After Trump in January declared