
Showing posts with the label Socialist

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is a clear Socialist sellout!

Far left Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan lashed out at President Trump on Thursday evening and threw her support behind the leftist insurrection, and President Trump fired a warning shot to radical Democrat governor Jay Inslee and the Seattle Mayor on Thursday… Folks this is getting beyond ugly. These Socialist left radicals are destroying our country. They’re that scared Trump will win they’re resorting to this… Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 11, 2020 “Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!” Trump said in a tweet. Antifa domestic terrorists in Washington state set up an “autonomous zone” dubbed “CHAZ” in six s

3 Doctors Who Criticized Russia's COVID-19 Response Fell Out of Windows!

3 Doctors Who Criticized Russia’s COVID-19 Response Fell Out of Windows… And not one made by Microsoft. This is how they do in a “Socialist / Communist” country my friends. Reports surfaced that a 37-year-old doctor Alexander Shulepov fell from a second-floor window, suffering a fractured skull as a result. He’s in serious condition as of now, but he is not the first doctor this has happened to the past few days. Shulepov a doctor who was treating coronavirus patients, and so were the other two doctors who fell to their deaths. Shulepov reportedly was hospitalized after he contracted the coronavirus, and was set to be released after his test came back negative. However, Shulepov posted a video where he complained about his boss making him work with his co-workers despite being positive for COVID-19. Shulepov ended up retracting his statement days later, saying he was in “an emotional state” while making the claim about his boss. This past Friday, another doctor named Yelena Nepomnyashc

Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooter INFO DROPS!

After the great comments by our President concerning some horrific crimes done this past weekend where lives were lost you would think the left would loosen up on some of the redirect they have been using, and stop spreading so much hate, and lies. So as it turns out the Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooter Was Democrat Socialist, Loved Warren, Sanders. You would think that a party that claims they are the moral of a new America would embrace the moment to reflect how their own behavior is behind all the mass shootings. But no it’s the same old hateful, and racist spewing they can’t seem to get past on. I’m speaking about the DemocRATS! All I’ve heard is how TRUMP is the sole purpose off all these mass shootings, and I ask myself how delusional are these people!? Did Columbine or Sandy Hook happen under Trump’s watch? That was while Obama was in office, and I don’t remember him getting blamed for it. They said it was the guns, and now it’s all Trump. These morons like Corkey Booger as I call him