
Showing posts with the label R&B

R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison

The man who sang about being “Trapped in the closet” Mr R. Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison in a Brooklyn federal court on Wednesday after being convicted of racketeering and sex trafficking in September 2021. US District Judge Ann Donnelly sentenced Kelly after she and the court heard statements from the victims. She also ordered him to pay a $100,000 fine, The Associated Press reports. The singer, who has been jailed since 2019, faces separate charges of child pornography and obstruction of justice in a federal case in Chicago, where a trial is set for August 1. Finally, I never thought Justice would be done in this case… I mean that pee video is how old? Chappelle Show came, and ended years ago! The fact they actually finally came to an end is satisfying enough but they found this sick POS guilty.

R. Kelly placed on suicide watch following sex crimes conviction

For more than two decades singer, and child rapist “Robert Sylvester Kelly” aka and best known as “R. Kelly” was found guilty of charges accusing him of sexually abusing girls, women and boys. His being sent to prison is something which should not have taken this long considering when most of his crimes started in the 1990’s and we all knew then he was into young girls. He married Aaliyah (1994–1995) when she was a minor if we remember folks so this shouldn’t shock anyone that this is who Robert Kelly is. So it’s about time they found this scumbag guilty and threw the book on him. He’s a disgusting person, and now he was placed on suicide watch because it’s finally dawned on him that he’s done as a celebrity, and will spend a lot of his remaining life behind bars where he belongs. All pedophiles belong in prison period, and to never be allowed to see the sun again as far as I’m concerned. On Oct. 2021, Steve Greenberg, who represents the “I Believe I Can Fly” singer, revealed that the