
Showing posts with the label Jacob Frey

5 Shot, Over 50 Buildings Burned Down Or Damaged During Minneapolis Riots

WOW Folks this is getting crazy! More fall out from Minneapolis where now there has been Dozens of businesses looted or burned and at least five people were shot by other citizens on Wednesday night. The violent rioters also attacked police and firefighters, and busted out the windows of a U.S. bank with baseball bats. Businesses continued to burn well into Thursday morning. New footage has surfaced that shows 3 so called Officers on top of the now deceased “George Floyd” this is just so horrible to see happen to any human being. This man did nothing to deserve this outcome to his life. Nobody deserves to have their lives taken over nothing. These now ex cops need to be held accountable, and made to pay for this horrific crime. Listen as Mr Floyd begs for his life. This poor man spent his last seconds of life gasping for air. While these so called men who are here to serve and protect decided to turn on the sworn duty they have. There is nothing I’ve seen that has sicken me more than t