
Showing posts with the label Boris Johnson


Mike Pompeo joins the White House Task Force discussing the World Health Organization. A lot of interesting, and good questions asked today, and Trump updated what’s happening with BORIS JOHNSON! This aired earlier, and try and watch the entire thing if you can. Even what’s his face Acosta had a good question about conspiracies which I posted also. See sometimes he can ask an ok question. But only when it’s not Trump he loves to give Trump a hard time. The question below is about how they answer the “conspiracies” people are talking about on how numbers are being padded by people who are dying from unrelated illnesses, and are still being labeled as victims of this virus.

Boris Johnson Moved to ICU

The prime minister of the UK Boris Johnson has been moved into intensive care after his COVID-19 condition worsened. The prime minister, 55, was admitted to hospital in London with “persistent symptoms” on Sunday 5 April. The prime minister had tested positive on March 26. A spokesman said he was moved on the advice of his medical team and is receiving “excellent care”. Mr Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab to deputise “where necessary”, the spokesman added. Political Editor Nick Watt and Health Correspondent Deborah Cohen report and In the studio Emily Maitlis is joined by Boris Johnson’s former adviser Guto Harri and former No 10 Chief of Staff Jonathan Powell. #Coronavirus #Health #Covid19

Brexit: A new sense of optimism is emerging in UK

Well it’s official now The UK has left the EU and while people celebrate what does this mean, and what are going to be the implications for the world? Now that Brexit has happened and After what almost 5 years of political back and forth, the UK now stands alone as like I said Brexit is official. They’re the first nation to leave the European Union, and it also has followed by ending the careers of two Prime Ministers and left the very future of the United Kingdom in question. Scotland’s case for independence is becoming harder to ignore while Britain’s perceived selling out of Northern Ireland has played into the hands of those wishing to see Irish unification. Just one hour before Brexit finally happened, Prime Minister Boris Johnson acknowledged that the country was divided: “For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come. And there are many of course who feel a sense of anxiety and loss … I understand all those feelings, and our job as