
Showing posts with the label Barack & Michelle Obama Middle School

Illinois School Will Not Be Named After Barack & Michelle Obama Following Protests

A middle school in Waukegan, Illinois will not be renamed “Barack & Michelle Obama Middle School” after pro-immigration activists complained that the former president had a dismal record on deportations! Funny I know since the left loves Obama, and loves their illegals. Guess he deported all the “Conservative Illegals” ? Anyways! The Waukegan Board of Education “decided several weeks ago to rename two ‘controversially’ named elementary schools, Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Daniel Webster Middle School, over concerns that both historical figures supported the practice of slavery” and following a request on behalf of dozens of students and community members. So you would think renaming them after the first “African American” or half anyway President, and his manly Wife would make up for the lack of racial diversity right? Well nope! Wrong. And I quote “Renaming committees were formed for each school and included people in the community, students, and staff,” according to Chicag