
Showing posts with the label Nicki Clyne

Allison Mack sentenced to three years in federal prison in NXIVM sex cult case!

Allison  Mack the once actress on “Smallville” and someone who looked like would have a bright career in Hollywood made as she said “I made choices I will forever regret,” as she was sentenced to three years in federal prison in NXIVM sex cult case that rocked Hollywood. The actress told the judge, adding that she was filled with “remorse and guilt.” I hope she does the time she has to do and is able to come out and rehab her life. Everyone deserves a second chance and so does she. Sadly I don’t know if Hollywood will be as kind but we shall see… She’s being responsible for her actions, and I wish her well. She’s not the first and wont be the last actress/actor to get lost in the land of Hollyweird. This is what that place can do to child actors if they’re allowed to be in such a toxic and sex driven industry without the proper good people helping them to keep a proper path in life… So we wish her well, and hope she gets back on her feet soon, and is allowed to return to acting s