
Showing posts with the label Republican Party

Mike Johnson Elected As New House Speaker

Well it's finally happened! The Speaker is picked by the GOP and it's MAGA Mike himself! Yes folks a PRO TRUMP guy is in! Mike Johnson is now the Speaker and this is good news... Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan were my two favorites for the job but Mike is a guy I think will be good in this role also. Matt Gaetz had this to say about this and he's right.   “If you don’t think that moving from Kevin McCarthy to MAGA Mike Johnson shows the ascendance of this movement and where the power of the Republican Party truly lies, then you’re not paying attention.” - @RepMattGaetz Rep. Matt Gaetz: The Swamp is on the Run “If you don’t think that moving from Kevin McCarthy to MAGA Mike Johnson shows the ascendance of this movement and where the power of the Republican Party truly lies, then you’re not paying attention.” - @RepMattGaetz Watch LIVE➡… — Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) October 25, 2023   Now to the RINOS I have to say I agree with M

It's Jim Jordan TIME! - Matt Gaetz

Well after the house ousted Kevin McCarthy from Speaker it looks like the house Republicans voted to make Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) the nominee for speaker after an insurmountable wave of detractors forced Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) to withdraw his bid for the post on Thursday. In a private secret ballot held on Friday, Jordan edged out surprise challenger Rep. Austin Scott, a Georgia Republican who announced Friday morning that he would enter the race as an alternative to the archconservative Ohio Republican. The final tally was 124 votes for Jordan and 81 for Scott, according to Punchbowl News. It was a disappointing show for Jordan, who had worked for days to rally support, in contrast with Scott who entered the race seemingly on a whim just hours before the vote began. It was Jim Jordan who initially narrowly lost the first private speaker vote to Scalise which for myself would have been a fine nomination but with his health issues being serious and with everything else he does I

Katie Hobbs Stepping Down as Arizona Governor?

So in short Wednesday September 27, 2023 evening, the Arizona treasurer announced that she would serve as acting governor beginning later that evening until mid-morning Thursday, amid a short absence from Gov. Katie Hobbs. So far it looks like it's because she's not in the state for some reason in an "Extended Leave" so in a press release on X, (Twitter,) Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee announced her brief tenure as acting governor, saying that she is "pleased to step in this role." The Republican state treasurer noted that during her less than 24 hours as acting governor she would refrain from confirming the 13 agencies that still hold vacancies and wait for the Democratic governor to fill them upon her return. "While I am pleased to step in this role, I will refrain from naming directors to the 13 agencies that currently have vacancies and will not call the Arizona Legislature into session to confirm them," Yee said in an X post. "That bei

Donald Trump Live | Trump Furious That War Crimes Expert Jack Smith Will Head Jan 6 Probe

Donald Trump Live Started streaming 4 hours ago Donald Trump Live | Trump Furious That War Crimes Expert Jack Smith Will Head Jan 6 Probe | US News US Attorney-General Merrick Garland has named Jack Smith, a war crimes prosecutor, to serve as special counsel to oversee Justice Department investigations related to Donald Trump including the former president’s handling of sensitive documents and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Garland’s announcement came three days after Trump, a Republican, announced he would run for president again in 2024. Garland said Trump’s candidacy, as well as Democratic President Joe Biden’s stated intention to run for re-election, made the appointment of a special counsel necessary. “ The pace of the investigations will not pause or flag under my watch,” Smith said in a statement. “I will exercise independent judgment and will move the investigations forward expeditiously and thoroughly to whatever outcome the facts and the law dictate.” #donaldtrum

Rep. Lauren Boebert is the winner of her congressional seat!

The Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert (CO) declared herself the winner of her congressional race Thursday evening, despite the race heading to an automatic recount from the looks of it? While media outlets, including The Associated Press, have deemed the race far too close to be called, the MAGA supporter conveyed to her over 1.7 million Twitter followers that she’s the winner, while only ahead of Democrat opponent Adam Frisch by around 550 votes.  “We won! I am so thankful for all of your support, and I am so proud to be your Representative!” Boebert tweeted. “Come January, you can be certain of two things,” she added in an a video with the Capitol building serving as a backdrop. “I will be sworn in for my second term as your congresswoman, and Republicans can finally turn Pelosi’s house back into the People’s House.” We won! I am so thankful for all of your support and I am so proud to be your Representative! — Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) November 18, 2022

Poll Pads Caught Adding *Hundreds* of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed

Please help support the lawsuits and criminal complaints that are being filed by The Election Oversight Group by donating   here . The Election Oversight Group, which has  been  investigating  and  documenting  Georgia’s election problems since the 2020 General Election, has provided The Gateway Pundit with more evidence that our election system should not be trusted.  This time, it’s direct from Texas but has implications and evidence of occurrences in many other jurisdictions. In a shocking video that seems to confirm many of the things we knew but couldn’t prove, poll workers in Dallas, Tx captured the number of checked-in voters on their poll pads  jumping higher and higher right before polls closed .  The poll pads are used to check in voters and are the electronic version of the paper “voter roll”, which also keeps a running tally of the number of voters who have been “checked in” on that particular device.  While we only have confirmation of this one precinct because of the vide

Prosecutors will not recommend charging Matt Gaetz in sex-trafficking investigation, report says 

Finally Prosecutors speak on the case with Matt Gaetz and as it turns out they will not recommend charging GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz in the Justice Department’s investigation into if the Florida congressman violated federal sex-trafficking laws, according to The Washington Post. Citing anonymous sources, The Post reported that prosecutors were concerned with the credibility of two key witnesses and think they’d be unlikely to secure a conviction if they indicted Gaetz. Justice Department officials typically take the advice of career prosecutors but haven’t made a final decision on the matter yet, the report said. According to NBC News, prosecutors were examining if the congressman committed three separate crimes: if he sex-trafficked a 17-year-old; if he violated the Mann Act, which prohibits the transportation of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose” across state lines; and if he obstructed justice. The existence of the investiga

Jason Chaffetz asks "Dear Republican Trump haters what did you get for your trade?"

Jason Chaffetz: “Dear Republican Trump haters what did you get for your trade?” A great question right? Well don’t forget that a little less than a year ago, a significant number of independent and Republican voters decided to trade what they saw as “bad tweets” for “bad policy.” A fake “Russian Colllusion” for a “REAL Russian/CHINA/IRAN Collusion” by the Biden’s both JOE BLOW and his crackhead son Hunter. So today, your Twitter feed is void of  President Trump ‘s tweets.  But that’s not all that was lost and besides what’s happening in Kabul, and in this country is no laughing matter folks. Trump said no to federally funding abortion. You traded for Biden, who wants your taxes to pay for abortion, and your tax dollars are being sent around the world to fund abortion in other countries, and Trillions now being spent on the joke of “Green New Deal” which is masterminded by a moron like AOC which will further destroy our country, and yes traded rising wages for rising prices. Inflation i

Manhattan DA declines to charge Trump

See folks this is why you cannot trust the democratic media, and I’m talking directly to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS. These news outlet don’t report news anymore they write hit pieces by wannabe talking heads on their network. All a bunch of Democrats who are paid stooges to continue this now half a decade long smear job against Donald Trump the 45th President of this country. What the media is guilty of is disgusting, and I want people to understand this is clear brainwashing by the socialist left in control. So don’t let yourself be fooled if you see what they do and pay attention it becomes clear. They’re doing nothing for the people but stealing from the tax payers, and using Trump as a scapegoat by these continued false court hearings. They cannot find anything to ever pin on him because he’s done nothing wrong, and still they continue. Boy they fear this man, and for good reason… He’s an outsider and not a career politician, and he does what he says he will do, and for his first ter

After Democrat Senator Gillibrand Fails To Show Up Republicans Defeat Democrats On Liberal Pay Fairness Bill

Seems that due to the odd makeup of our current Senate, Democrats have a sort of pseudo-majority. With the 50-50 split, they can only move measures forward if Harris cast a tie-breaking vote. So this doesn’t give Democrats much wiggle room to get things done as they wish. With every single Republican voting together, every Democrat is needed to get their agenda done. And with an agenda as radical as Schumer and Biden’s, there is little chance Republicans will support them unless they’re Rinos, and just don’t care about our country like Liz Chaney, and Mitt Romney to name two. But it seems that the Senate Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, wanted to open debate for a left-wing bill that pits men against women. But Republicans won the vote, because of one Democrat. Shocking? Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is taking heat from liberals online for missing a vote on whether the Senate should consider a pay equity bill… The vote was 50-49, with Gillibrand, a New York Democrat, the only missing senator

Mark McCloskey for US Senate!

Hold on to your hats folks! Mark McCloskey could be headed to the Senate! Yea folks this is correct and if the voters of Missouri will have him he might just go from civilian hero who went to jail for defending himself against Marxist domestic terrorists Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters who broke into his block to try and “protest” which means “Riot, Loot, Murder!” Remember this was during the heat of the “Summer of Love” in 2020 the poor couple suffered loads of horrible charges from leftist corrupt politicians and Judges who are sold out, and want to do nothing but rid this country of Patriotic Americans, the constitution, freedom of speech, rights to bare arms in self defense, and well they’re radicals trying to destroy our lives. So to see Mark make this awesome announcement on Tucker Carlson tonight which also saw him release his first campaign ad. McCloskey joins the race for retiring Senator Roy Blunt’s old seat as the only outsider in a field of politicians. This is what w

Caitlyn Jenner against male/female sports mixing over 'Trans Rights'

Former Olympic champion, reality TV personality, and once named Bruce now Caitlyn Jenner who also is now running for California governor, said she opposes transgender girls competing in girls’ sports at school. A Big reveal as Jenner again is “Transgender” and this goes against the very fabric of a lot of the blowback Trump got while in office from the Trans community. Jenner, a 1976 decathlon Olympic gold medalist who came out as a transgender woman in 2015, told a  TMZ  reporter on Saturday that it’s “a question of fairness.” “That’s why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls’ sports in school. It just isn’t fair. And we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools,” Jenner said Saturday during a brief interview in a Malibu parking lot. It was Jenner’s first comment on the controversial issue since announcing her candidacy to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom in a recall election. Five states have passed laws or implemented executive orders this year limiting the ability o

RIP Rush Limbaugh The man with "The Golden EIB Microphone" is gone...

Talk radio will not be the same ever friends not after the last 30 years of Rush Limbaugh, and if you’re a DemocRAT he’s a name, and has been a thorn sticking at the heart of Liberals since I could remember both on radio, and tv. Todaa we mourn his passing away but we cannot forget him or what we all have learned from him, and the talent he had to explain things. He left his wife, Kathryn who announced on his show Wednesday morning his passing. Rush who succumbed to his battle with lung cancer at the age of 70 after getting his Stage 4 diagnosis in January 2020. This is the same battle I lost my mother to on March 7th 2016 so I know what he went through in his final days from having seen it with my own eyes, and my heart breaks for him, and his family.Known to his fans as the great “El Rushbo” I remember listening to him as a kid, and asking why this crazy guy was going after Bill Clinton and the Democrats so hard, and as it turned out years later as I got older I understood, and in th

Defense Officials Confirm Trump Is Still Commander in Chief, Refuse to Participate in Military Coup to Oust Him

Despite a campaign by the left socialist/communist known as modern day Democrats and the establishment media to delegitimize President Donald Trump after Wednesday’s Capitol incursion, Department of Defense officials intend to avoid outside pressure and continue to recognize him as the commander in chief while avoiding taking part in “a military coup,” according to a report. But wait wouldn’t that be considered TREASON? Did Nancy Pelosi just ask him to commit Treason? Why shouldn’t she be locked up for this? It was widely reported Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Army Gen. Mark A. Milley , the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to limit the president’s access to the country’s so-called nuclear football, which contains launch codes for America’s vast arsenal of nuclear weapons. Pelosi called Milley to ask him to ignore orders from Trump to use those codes. It’s unclear what initiated the call to Milley. No specific threat from Trump seems to exist, suggesting the call w

🔴LIVE: Perdue and Loeffler to address crowd as votes are counted in Georgia runoff

Republican candidates deliver remarks as votes are counted in Georgia’s election to fill two Senate seats. Georgia voters headed today to the polls for a pair of runoff elections that will determine control of the U.S. Senate, marking the end of the tumultuous 2020 election cycle that saw Republicans make gains in Congress while being cheated and potentially losing the White House. The elections are being held as President Donald Trump continues to allege that widespread voter fraud in Georgia caused his loss to Joe Biden on Nov. 3. A Case proven to be checked into but given how controled by the left the media, and the system is right now it’s impossible for Republicans to get a fair shake, and so I’m are worried those same issues will rear it’s ugly head here, and that what happened to President Trump happens here, and I hope that what has been done by the left doesn’t discourage GOP voters from turning out and voting today, and marching to protect Trumps white house, and this countr

🔴LIVE: Trump vs Biden final presidential debate!😀

Trump vs Biden final presidential debate moderated by NBC’s Kristen Welker… Time to see how much Joe Lies.

Cubans 4 Trump! YES The hype is real! TRUMP 2020

Found these guys putting this together on FACEBOOK, and thought giving them some love on my site would be a dope idea since I am from Miami, FLA, and might check out this event in person. So for those who support Trump in the local South Florida area pay attention. The “Cubans4Trump” movement on Facebook has an event coming up, and they put out a flyer, and statement to encourage all my Cuban people to go out to the event, and show the country that will ride Donald Trump in South Florida! We need to show an overwhelming support for our President and celebrate what is certain to be a landslide victory on November 3rd! Together we will once again make history, and we will help make America Great Again! ALL Republican Candidates welcome. Massive parking can accommodate thousands! Awesome video from a couple of days ago in Miami! #ArmyforTrump #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 #KAG2020


IN A year where anything goes comes this! A transgender male to woman who describes himself/herself as a ‘Satanic anarchist’ has won the Republican Party nomination for sheriff in a New Hampshire county after running on a platform of ‘F*** the police.’ I kid you not folks, and this is what this person said. ‘I can’t imagine they’re happy about this,’ Aria DiMezzo told Inside Sources when asked about the reaction from Republicans. DiMezzo captured the GOP nomination for Cheshire County sheriff on Tuesday night after running unopposed in the party primary. DiMezzo won despite the fact that DiMezzo received no support from the county or state GOP. DiMezzo won after running on a platform that backs decriminalizing drugs, sex work, and illegal immigration DiMezzo will have an even more formidable task as she will face off against a four-term incumbent, the Democrat Eli Rivera. The head of the Cheshire County Republican Party, Marylin Huston, misgendered DiMezzo by referring to her as ‘he’ w


While for sure the orange menace known the left as Donald Trump has broken many a celebrity over the past 2 decades. Frankly, a been a highlight of his first term. But I’m not sure he has crushed the hopes and dreams of anyone more than Alyssa Milano. As someone who first discovered girls thanks to Tony Danza taking a job as a maid, you almost hate to see it (see ALYSSA MILANO IS UPSET CONSERVATIVES ARE ‘WEAPONIZING’ CANCEL CULTURE BECAUSE ONLY SHE IS ALLOWED TO DO THAT  and  ALYSSA MILANO GOES ON ‘SEX STRIKE’ TO PROTEST ANTI-ABORTION LAWS ). The — I guess she’s still technically an “actress” — was feeling particularly “woe is me” and  had a complete meltdown  vented over what’s been ailing her to her adoring fans. And don’t even get me started with how fucked our priorities are in this country. We’ve got secret armed police in full-on tactical gear but we don’t have enough PPE for our frontline healthcare workers?! I mean what in the actual fuck is wrong with us? — Alyssa Milano (@Aly

X-Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew now Republican!

Well it’s official now, and to the party of winning! Merry Christmas to new Republican Rep. Jeff Van Drew. He sure does come off presidential, and perhaps one day soon he will throw his hat into the ring. He’s got some major endorsements now for joining the winning team. What he said was also spot on how a lot of folks on the left feel after the last few months of this impeachment hoax. UPDATE: 12/22/2019