
Showing posts with the label Kenosha

Kyle Rittenhouse trial coverage!

So the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has now started and is in full motion, and while this happens we have the coverage on the videos below. We are now aware that while the trial is underway a juror was just dismissed for telling joke about Jacob Blake shooting which is hilarious and hypocritical because remember in the trial of Derek Chauvin they allowed a member of BLACK LIVES MATTER to stay on the Jury… So once again the law shows that it’s got a biased on how to make this outcome. This juror, identified only as Juror No. 7, was being escorted to his car when he made comments to a court security officer about the number of times a  white Kenosha police officer  shot Jacob Blake on Aug. 23, 2020. Blake was  left partially paralyzed  by the shooting. Don’t forget that he was under arrest, walked away from the officer who was placing him under arrest after his ex called because he was beating her up. So while he was going to his car and was reaching for a weapon and the officers made attem

DOJ won't seek charges against officer Rusten Sheskey who shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha

Well now look at this folks we just found out that federal prosecutors announced Friday that they won’t file charges against officer Rusten Sheskey who shot Jacob Blake in Wisconsin last year. A shooting that sparked protests that led to the deaths of two men. Officer Sheskey shot Blake, who’s Black, during a domestic disturbance in Kenosha in August 2020. The shooting left Blake paralyzed from the waist down and sparked several nights of protests, some of which turned violent. An Illinois man shot three people, killing two of them, during one of the demonstrations. State prosecutors decided not to file charges against Sheskey earlier this year after video showed that Blake, who was wanted on a felony warrant, was armed with a knife. The U.S. Department of Justice launched its own investigation days after the shooting. The agency announced Friday that a team of prosecutors from its Civil Rights Division and the U.S. attorney’s office in Milwaukee reviewed police reports, witness statem

Jacob Blake had a weapon! + His Mom Blasts Rioters + Apologizes To President Trump!

Jacob Blake’s Mom Blasts Rioters For Destroying Kenosha, Apologizes To President Trump. Very smart sounding woman, and she totally schools the looters, rioters, and that meathead Don Lemon. But I love how Lemonhead here try’s hard to evoke something out of nothing by bringing up Trump. It’s almost like if Don Lemon is trying to provoke her into saying something controversial about Trump… You decide watch the video below. [fvplayer id=”83″] SO I need all to pay attention because this is why you fucktard rioters, looters, and so called BLM & Antifa asshole supporters! This is why you cannot burn it all down for someone like this, and folks this is exactly what I said he was doing, and look now we know I was again right on this, and it’s been now proved, and the more video evidance that comes out, and the clearer the videos come out to more it becomes clear that the Jacob Blake shooting was 100% justified… I’m sorry his kids, and family are being put thru this but no cop involved shou

📷 Footage of Jacob Blake shotting, and yes it's justified!

IF The name Jacob Blake doesn’t ring a bell! It shouldn’t! Nobody should know who this idiot is but since we live in a world where now people riot everytime some dickhead does something that gets himself shot by a cop we have other dickheads with no lives, and a lot of time on their hands, and George Soros money so they go out, and riot, and loot, and hurt other innocent people, and murder all in the name of one moron who got himself shot. Now Jacob is the moron who was shot less than 3 minutes after Wisconsin police arrived at the scene. So he’s a special kind of stupid! I mean according to dispatch audio and I’ve seen the footage, and folks once again this was a justified shooting… This one is even easier to argue then most honestly but in all this stupidity by angry stupid people who don’t know right from wrong. Here we go again. Multiple people shot during third night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following the police shooting of Jacob Blake… Get that? Now Jacob didn’t die in