
Showing posts with the label Jen Psaki

Joe Biden cages kids? After he demonized Trump!

So the Sniffler & Theif Joe Lying Biden who recently got into hot water for saying that ‘We Didn’t Have Vaccine’ When I Came into Office which is a lie! But now it looks like the US is to allow illegal migrants from Mexico to once again be locked in cages as his critics slam ‘kids in cages’ which makes me laugh because Biden demonized Trump for having to take the same steps. Now the comedy in all this was that the cages plus photos usually used to smear Trump were from the Obama/Biden administration. So when Trump took over as President it suddenly became un human to have this, and use it to house illegal kids which needed to be vetted and looked at to make sure the adults that they came into the country illegally were even their relative. Which to me made sense when Obama/Biden did it, and when Trump did it, and have no issues it being done now. As president, I will immediately put in place a meaningful process to review asylum cases. I will release children from cages. I will get

Remember when Jen Psaki is the White House press secretary wasn't so nice to Biden?

Now that Jen Psaki is the White House press secretary, I’d like to bring you back… Or should I say “Circle Back” to what she had to say about Joe Biden during the 2020 campaign? Well this redheaded raggedy ann looking conwoman “Psaki” which sounds like something you drink with sushi! Well she wasn’t all complimentary toward the sniffler, and thief who would become her boss after he stole the election in the worlds biggest con job on this country ever done! But even though she still claimed to retain some affection toward him she did talk bad about him… Let’s not forget his own VeePee thinks he raped a woman, and is ok with it.. So shortly after she was picked as the intermediary between the president and press in November, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson dug up some of her remarks after Biden had made one of the many,  many  gaffes that pockmarked the early stages of his campaign before the  basement phase , started of course. In October of 2019, Biden was asked a question at a town hall rega