
Showing posts with the label political

Donald J. Trump to Hold rally in Hialeah, Fl - 11/08/2023

My President and your president oh and the nations 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump will be in my backyard soon! Well sort off... He's set to Hold a Rally in Hialeah, Florida on Wed, November 08, 2023 at 07:00 pm (US/Eastern) the doors Open at 02:00 pm and the rally will be held at the "Ted Hendricks Stadium" at Henry Milander Park the direct address is 4800 Palm Avenue Hialeah, FL 33012 I'm going to try and make it out as it's a "FREE EVENT" if I can make it out I'll try and video out some of it... Having car issues these days so I'll see if I can get someone to go with me. But either way it's going to be like most his Rally's packed with people and tons of fun.

OMG The Biden mind is officially OFFLINE!

OMG The Biden mind is officially OFFLINE! LMAO!!! Friends you cannot make this up... This is incredible footage how this man is not mentally fit to hold bags at WALMART let alone run this country. This man is a puppet to OBAMA and the people feeding OBAMA what to do from behind the scenes and this Joe Biden & Kalama Harris white house is the biggest SCAM on the people in the history of this country by far. B.H Obama and his network or EMPIRE are destroying our REPUBLIC from the inside. For your mental picture think of the actual politics of the Star Wars Prequels and the fall of their republic by the evil "EMPIRE" these people are pretty much trying to remake that into our world by destroying the Republic from the inside. Shive Palpatine = George Soros. B.H Obama = Grand Marf Tarkin and Anakin/Vader is them using a massiah like JESUS to fool the masses. BLM = The Clones, Antifa = The Storm Troopers... Get it? Star Wars tells us all believe it or not this was the brillia

Greta Thunberg drives a Nissan? lol

Greta Thunberg YES owns a Nissan Leaf! Production Year:  2020  Estimated Value:  $35,800* Greta Thunberg is a Swedish activist who has gained international recognition for her work in raising awareness about the impacts of climate change. Thunberg first gained prominence in 2018, when at the age of 15. Since then, she has become a leading voice for the youth climate movement and has spoken at numerous international conferences and events, including the United Nations Climate Action Summit with such idiotic comments as the world was ending which her end date has come and gone. Also has been seen staging fake arrests to have a photo or film taken of her as if she's some sort of climate hero. ALL fake. Also she's along with her parents activists for Antifa and worse of all has been seen and there are pictures of her, and her parents wearing the shirts supporting Antifa. SHE is a person who's got mental issues and is NEVER been right about ANYTHING! But the idiotic narcissists

Jordan On Cusp of Speakership as Biggest Critic Drops Opposition, Endorses Him

Finally Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-OH) toughest critic has endorsed him for Speaker so a path now has emerged for Jordan to claim the gavel. Fingers crossed! Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and vocal foe of the eight Republicans who voted to oust then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), had reportedly been organizing members of the Armed Services and Appropriations Committees to vote against Jordan on the floor. Rogers reportedly had preferred working with Democrats to form a unity government over elevating Jordan to the Speakership, earning him significant criticism from conservatives and his Alabama constituency. . @Jim_Jordan and I have had two cordial, thoughtful, and productive conversations over the past two days. We agreed on the need for Congress to pass a strong NDAA, appropriations to fund our government's vital functions, and other important legislation like the Farm Bill. (1/3) — Mike Rogers (@RepMikeRogersAL) October 16, 2023 With

Look Judge Tanya Chutkan you can't "Gag the TRUMP!"

So this so called gag order aimed at restraining Donald Trump for putting the judge overseeing his federal election interference case in her place! This also seems that the Judge is now in a tricky and sticky position. She must balance the need to protect the integrity of the legal proceedings against the First Amendment rights of a presidential candidate to defend himself in public. OOPS! But of course things like LAWS, Rules, and the constituional rights to "SPEAK" is something the left doesn't like. They like Open Borders, Lies, doing massive drugs, and well there is a weird thing happening where there seems to be a whole lot of love for pedophiles from these people. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan will hear arguments Monday in Washington over whether Trump has gone too far with remarks such as calling prosecutors a “team of thugs” and one possible witness “a gutless pig.” Watching the case, and the other cases these libtards are putting Trump in well I would say not

The attack on ISRAEL is disgusting...

Under Donald Trumps time in office Iran was "weak and broke, and desperate for love now they are rich as hell, thanks to Crooked Joe Biden!" - Donald Trump This couldn't be more truthful if he tried... The world is being pushed to an all time historic chaos under BIDEN, and it seems both sides in DC don't care enough to do anything about it like calling for a full out impeachment and removal of both he, and VP Kalama "MIA" Harris. Fourteen Americans have been killed in the fighting in Israel, While Joe Biden announced Tuesday, and he confirmed more are among those being held hostage by Hamas terrorists. "We now know that American citizens are among those being held by Hamas," Biden said. Wonder how many BILLIONS he will send them for the hostages since now we know that he's opened the door for this. We all knew this would happen when he gave Billions for hostages which as policy we DON'T do that. We strike and get them out without hav

Fulton County DA rebuffs Jim Jordan’s request for information on investigation of Donald Trump

Why would Fulton County DA Fani Willis rebuffs Jim Jordan’s request for information on her investigation of Trump? What is she hiding? She's a liar, and like Latisha James in New York, Latisha James Bottoms in GA, Mayor of DC  Muriel Bowser   are all complicit in the biggest witch hunt in this country's history against an INNOCENT man. IF she had nothing to hide and as she claimed is running a transparent case and is honest what is she hidding? We all know the answer. Trevian Kutti Reposted came out against her Claiming "Fat Woman" Fani Willis Is "Probably" Engaging Sexually with Multiple White Liberals. She's also sexually active with gang bangers in GA like Latisha James Bottoms was and SHE helped them rig the 2020 election as she was in charge of the GA voting areas which all had "ISSUES" on that night including the one where all the bags got pulled from under the table, and had ballots they spent the rest of the night feeding illegally i

Sexual allegations emerging from the reported diary of Ashley Biden!

Truly shocking sexual allegations are emerging from the reported diary of Ashley Biden you know President Joe Biden’s daughter. This is not a new story but we need to look back at this and really understand what happened here plus I got some pictures below you need to see from the actual Diary.  There is some new stuff here also. This is now reported that Ashley Biden, like her brother and dad the "Big Guy" Joe "Lying" Biden is a drug addict. Now we know that she lost her Diary somewhere and she lied about it being stolen. But truth from reports here is she left her personal diary under a mattress in a Palm Beach, Florida halfway house where she stayed during a rehab stint. The diary reportedly details her drug abuse, sex addiction and her being “hypersexualized.” Ashley Biden also recounts times she showered with her father when she was young, something she allegedly wrote was “probably not appropriate,” she said. So both Hunter and Ashley Biden are drug abusing ad

Trump AD released about elections... Plus NYC Trial update!

This video is 100% must watch... These liberals are such hypocrites and they don't want us USA Citizens to see this. This will tell you how much hypocrisy and lying happening with these liberals. There is no nudity, profanity or Covid talk in this video... This is 100% facts. This video shows you how dishonest these people on the left are... IF Facebook, YouTube or any of these leftist loaded sites takes this video down remember there is nothing but pure FACTS here. This is them again putting you in a place where they're suppressing your ability to make up your mind and participate in a real fair election. The left cheats, and they complain when they don't cheat enough to win and the actual election is won by they lose too. But as we know if they win all of a sudden they claim the election was the election was the cleanest and most fair ever and that the right is lying and so the left RIGS it, cheats and win they lie, lie, lie and make up charges to bury the competition n

Pics & Video kill excuses for "Alarmgate" by Jamaal Bowman

This i diot "Jamaal Bowman" and his b/s excuses are going up in smoke so might need to pull another fire alarm soon! See new images of the fire alarm that Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled in a House office building as his fellow Democrats were trying to delay a key vote to fund the government appear to douse cold water on his claims that the move was just a boneheaded mistake. Well his clear breaking of the law is explained by a boneheaded mistake? Yet they're charging TRUMP for a riot he was NOT in, and for saying to "Peacefully and Patriotic let's be heard!" Which breaks ZERO laws yet they're trying to throw him in prison for life over words. Here on video, and pictures we have Jamaal Bowman breaking the law and the fix to save him is in. Well let's be honest this isn't a fix tho he was probably told to do this by the people who run the show. The bright red alarm is clearly marked with the word “FIRE” and is right next to two signs that provide explic