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DNC 2020: Joe Biden convention speech fact-checked! All these lies!

Joe “Bozo” Biden crawled from his basement and has made his first major speech as the Democratic presidential nominee at the party’s convention… If that’s what you wanted to call this show which was such a clown show it should be produced by “National Lampoon Presents D20” this folks was laughably bad, and Bozo Biden said President Trump had “cloaked America in darkness” and made several claims about his record in office, including his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. So the BBC did some fact checking, and I seen them post this up so I had to share it with you all. But first let a real President have the floor first… Take a look at three of these claims. Claim 1: “We lead the world in confirmed cases. We lead the world in deaths.” Mr Biden criticised President Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak saying he had failed to protect American people. The US does have the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the world,  with more than 5.5 million confirmed cases an