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More good news for 45!

Trump’s 50 percent approval rating by Rasmussen Reported on Monday was matched head to head to that of Obama on September 16, 2011, he was four points lower at 46 percent, according to the poll. But this week he averaged across major polls surpassed that of his predecessor Number 44 or President Barack Obama at the same time 8 years ago. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019 This is good for Trump who is known to cite only conservative-leaning polls as being semi fair. Which he’s correct it’s amazing how many in the media are doing polls where the majority of the people they poll are democrats, and the polls are coming from California, and places like this. You know DemocRAT states. Trump’s approval rating on Wednesday was 44.3 percent, according to a “Real Clear Politics” average of more than a half-dozen major polls. That is higher than Obama’s average approval rating of 43.9 percent on September 18, 2011, by the same time span. Number 45