
Showing posts with the label Minimum Wage

Companies Are Preparing to Cut Jobs and Automate if Biden Gets $15 Minimum Wage Hike!

Yeah folks because anyone with a working mind knows that what Joe Biden will do with his minimum wadge while sounds nice on the surface will just make unemployement go way up, and it will hurt companies which will continue to have to close due to not being able to cover overhead cost, and low income revenue due to the lockdowns. This folks is the left plan in order to continue to destroy the country, and “Build Back” as they want. IT Won’t be better… It’s communism, and it will be a total control of the government which will make you fully dependant on them, and so let’s hope that Joe Biden’s minimum wage fantasies never become law or workers will pay the price for his economic con job. New reporting  reveals  that Chief Financial Officers at top American companies are “considering raising prices, cutting workers’ hours and investing in automation to offset a potential rise in labor costs.” “Companies including Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc., Potbelly Corp. and Texas Roadhouse Inc. are al