
Showing posts with the label Church

Soldier Goes To Taco Bell & what happens next is priceless!

So this Soldier Army Lt. Col. Robert Risdon Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops when he hears two boys behind him trying to sell candy for a local church… Touched by the kids reason for selling candy in front of the store, and the restful attitude the kids had he did a very nice, and noble thing. IN The video below Unbeknownst to the uniformed soldier, he had captured the attention of Jason Gibson, a man who was sitting alone and eating his meal. Both Risdon and Gibson quickly noticed a couple of boys darting around the front of the restaurant. When Risdon overheard what the boys were up to, he wanted to ask the boys a question, and it nearly left Gibson choking on his burrito. Shocked, he whipped out his phone and started to record. Now this video is a bit old as it was posted last Mar 28, 2019… Now feels like a decade ago I know… Just think these are the same soldiers that the left are saying are “STORMTROOPERS” and have done NOTHING but trash, and dishonor the name of everyone who’s