
Showing posts with the label looting

Kamala Harris is branded 'ignorant' for praising BLM Looting, and riots!

  Kamala Harris  is branded ‘ignorant’ for many reasons folks but for praising   Black Lives Matter  protests and calling them ‘essential’ just three days after two cops were shot during Louisville riots is down right insane, and makes her unfit for any sort of office in this country. She clearly has no love of country or of the innocent people of this country. These comments came during the NAACP’s national convention in which she was interviewed for more than one hour and come just three days after two police officers were shot and injured during rioting in Louisville. The shooting came after a grand jury’s decision not to charge the officers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor. One of the officers involved was charged with wanton endangerment for shooting into a neighboring apartment.  Vee Pee nomineehas come in for criticism after saying that protests against racial injustice, including those by thegroup are ‘essential for the evolution of our country’ with some online branding her

Two L.A. County sheriff’s deputies shot, critically wounded in Compton

The thing I’d like to know is where is the outrage from the media? Why is this not being covered properly? I hope this doesn’t get swept under the rug like most crimes like these do these days by mainstream media. So two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies were critically wounded after being shot Saturday evening in Compton California in what authorities described as an “ambush” that was captured on surveillance video. Folks I’ve lived in Compton as a kid, and that area has always been a haven for gangs, crime, poverty, and ironically enough! Mostly been if not always been ran by SOCIALIST DemocRATS! This is sickening… The video, released by the department, shows a man walking up to the deputies’ parked patrol car, pulling out a gun and firing several times into the front seat area from the passenger side. The assailant is then seen running from the scene. I bet he’s going to claim he didn’t do it when they catch his ass. Stupid motherfucker I’m happy we got video cams EVERYWHERE the

Biden Gets Triggered After Heckler Trolls Him Over Never Leaving His Basement

Monday, former VEEPee The Sniffler, and rapist Joe Biden finally left his basement and traveled to Pittsburgh where he took a stop to deliver pizzas to a fire station… As Mr China himself Joe Biden stepped out of a Secret Service vehicle, he was heckled by a man who was reportedly waving a Trump 2020 flag while standing on his truck. The man trolled Biden on how he never leaves his basement. The clip is hilarious, and watch his reaction! I was expecting him to say “COME ON MAN!” LMAO! “Hey Joe, you finally got out of the basement!” the man yelled. Biden, who was clearly triggered over the comment, yelled back, “Don’t jump! Don’t jump! Don’t jump!” The man continued to heckle Biden over some of his left-wing policies. Bloomberg reporter Tyler Pager tweeted, “Biden was being heckled by a Trump supporter as he arrived to deliver pizzas. The man was waving a Trump flag as he stood on top of a truck. Biden’s response to him: “Don’t jump.” Biden finally left his basement to travel to Pittsb

📷 Footage of Jacob Blake shotting, and yes it's justified!

IF The name Jacob Blake doesn’t ring a bell! It shouldn’t! Nobody should know who this idiot is but since we live in a world where now people riot everytime some dickhead does something that gets himself shot by a cop we have other dickheads with no lives, and a lot of time on their hands, and George Soros money so they go out, and riot, and loot, and hurt other innocent people, and murder all in the name of one moron who got himself shot. Now Jacob is the moron who was shot less than 3 minutes after Wisconsin police arrived at the scene. So he’s a special kind of stupid! I mean according to dispatch audio and I’ve seen the footage, and folks once again this was a justified shooting… This one is even easier to argue then most honestly but in all this stupidity by angry stupid people who don’t know right from wrong. Here we go again. Multiple people shot during third night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following the police shooting of Jacob Blake… Get that? Now Jacob didn’t die in

The Logos are the window to the mind of these people!

I’ve always said that logos you have for yourself often tell the story of who you are in your mind, and we can tell a lot by symbology, and well do you think this is a coincidence? It is not folks, and do you remember how I pointed out the Marco Rubio post from a few days before where Antifa had on the logo also of the USSR? Remember guys these are Marxist, Communists and Democratic Socialists working with George Soros, and China, and other powerful entities in motion to bring this country down. Antifa, and BLM are racist hate groups whose agenda has nothing to do with helping minorities….it exists only to destroy the Constitution and the US. And it’s become clear the LEFT and all these democRATS are 100% behind this total take over of our country. On August 16th 2017, Shaun King, a Dickhead Left-Wing Activist Endorsed AntiFa, and he of course is tied into BLM as he’s one of the head members, and yes folks. He’s white.. So very white, and yet he hates this country, flag, and way of lif