
Showing posts with the label Amazon Spheres

Seattle City Council socialist Kshama Sawant leads tax protest at Amazon Spheres

Watch AOC’s reaction when Trump says we will never be a socialist country Seattle- In 2013, a relatively unknown lawful immigrant from India named Kshama Swant decided that she was going to run for office as a socialist. She was an economic instructor in the city and a member of the Socialist Alternative Party. She had previously run unsuccessfully for the house of representatives but lost. In the race for city council though, she won. Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant leads a crowd of protesters at the Amazon Spheres in downtown Seattle. Sawant wants to tax large corporations like Amazon to pay for affordable housing in Seattle. Ironworkers shout down Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant with chants of “No Head Tax,” at Amazon headquarters in Seatttle on Thursday, May 3. On Wednesday, the company announced it would pause construction on that project until the City Council votes on the “head tax,” which would charge businesses with more than $20 million in annual revenue 26