
Showing posts with the label Martin Luther King Jr.

Adam Schiff is a CLOWN!

Adam Schiff is nothing but a snake, and a liar… He’s a con artist who does nothing but use his position to make a mockery of this country. I took it to twitter and commented on this post he posted on his way of tarnishing the late Dr. King. There is a list of these people who belong in Prison. “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” – Dr. King On this #MLKDay , let us commit to taking on Dr. King’s unfinished work, using our power to create a more just society. — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) January 18, 2021 MLK Was a Republican, and hated Democratic Liberals as did Malcom X who spoke about Liberals like yourself as SNAKES & LIARS, he was right. They both were YOU ARE EVIL Schiffty Schiff. You’re a liar, and a snake. Don’t take my word for it. Hear it from the GREAT #MalcolmX #MAGA — Angel Luis Espino (@AngelEspinoLive) January 19, 2021 And the Fam

Kamala Gets Caught in a Lie About Her Childhood

So after fixing the 2020 election the lying scumbag DemocRATS are excited by the thought of having Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) in the White House. She checks off numerous boxes for them: she’s a woman, she’s a person of color and they have the ability to say they successfully elected the first black president and vice president. Even tho she’s Indian, and not black. But yet she tells everyone she’s black or “African American” which I fail to see how since she’s not just married to a white man, has white step kids but also her entire family is from India… Her dad was from Jamaica but of Indian decent, and not to mention her family owned, and sold slaves. Members of the media have really been trying hard to sell her as she’s so unlikable, and fake and so they treat her like if she’s a saint… It’s why Elle magazine did an  entire feature piece  on Harris and her life. Interestingly enough, the first two paragraphs of the article focus on how Harris wanted “fweedom” from a young age. But it