
Showing posts with the label Plugs

Plugs is again lying to us about his 19 Million job creation!

Not shocking that as Rush used to call him “PLUGS” which was his nickname for Joe Biden due to Biden having had plugs to cover up his balding spot on the top of the head… To bad they couldn’t plug in a new Brain for the “Sniffer & Thief!” Now we come to find out that the latest 2.2T spending plan of his will NOT produce the 19M jobs he and other leftists DemocRATS were bragging about. It’s become now clear that Senior Biden administration officials recently made misleading claims about how many jobs would potentially be created by  President Biden’s  $2.2 trillion spending proposal, incorrectly citing an independent analysis from financial research firm Moody’s Analytics. The firm estimated that the U.S. economy will add roughly 16.3 million jobs between the fourth quarter of 2020 and the fourth quarter of 2030. If Biden’s proposal were to pass, Moody’s Analytics economists estimated that the U.S. economy would add 19 million jobs over the same time period indicating the proposal w