
Showing posts with the label Fast Food

Police arrest suspect in viral horrible beating at pizza shop!

Police finally have arrested a 25-year-old woman for beating a woman in front of her child at a Little Caesars Pizza shop in Augusta, Georgia. Video of the bloody altercation  went viral  with millions of views on social media all showing outrage at the woman who viciously, and unrelentingly beat down another woman. The attacker a black woman not just hits once but she went full charge on an unsuspecting mother who was waiting to buy a Pizza with her daughter. The brutal attack was captured on video, and again went viral folks! I reported it a few days ago before The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office  said  that Brittany Breann Kennedy was arrested. The news of her arrest on Tuesday came in and she is now charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping, and second-degree criminal damage to property. The video  shows  22-year-old Emily Broadwater at the Little Caesars pizza shop being beaten badly while her daughter tries to help her. The video continues to capture the attacker dragging Broa

This is hard to watch Attack at a Georgia Little Caesars

  And no one did a thing to stop it. — Sarah Taylor (@thesarahdtaylor) May 20, 2021 A video has gone viral on the internet showing a hard to watch assault at a Little Caesars in Georgia. A woman gets beated, dragged outside, and has her head stomped on the ground all while her child watches. This is hard to see, and disgusting behavior. Now police are on the search for a suspect they believed involved in the bloody beating. The police were called in at around 4 p.m. Reported as a fight in progress, once they got there the suspect, 25-year-old Brittany Kennedy who is accused of the attack on the fellow Little Caesars customer on Monday leaving the victim bruised and bloodied, and her child tramatized. The Authorities at the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office said that Kennedy “reportedly confronted the victim, 22-year-old Emily Broadwater, while the two were at the restaurant and yanked a chair out from underneath the victim.” WTF? Why the hell would she do thi

Soldier Goes To Taco Bell & what happens next is priceless!

So this Soldier Army Lt. Col. Robert Risdon Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops when he hears two boys behind him trying to sell candy for a local church… Touched by the kids reason for selling candy in front of the store, and the restful attitude the kids had he did a very nice, and noble thing. IN The video below Unbeknownst to the uniformed soldier, he had captured the attention of Jason Gibson, a man who was sitting alone and eating his meal. Both Risdon and Gibson quickly noticed a couple of boys darting around the front of the restaurant. When Risdon overheard what the boys were up to, he wanted to ask the boys a question, and it nearly left Gibson choking on his burrito. Shocked, he whipped out his phone and started to record. Now this video is a bit old as it was posted last Mar 28, 2019… Now feels like a decade ago I know… Just think these are the same soldiers that the left are saying are “STORMTROOPERS” and have done NOTHING but trash, and dishonor the name of everyone who’s