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Alveda King Defends Trump: ‘He Is NOT A Racist’

Remember we have to learn from history so we’re not doomed to repeat it, and so let us remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was a Republican, and fought for the civil rights of all men, and mostly to help African Americans in this country overcome the situations a lot of themselves were in, and it came at the ultimate price which was his life. He fought against people who you all know. People like Hillary Clinton, and Barry Goldwater (Who was publicly endorsed by members of the KKK organization. Lyndon B. Johnson exploited his connections.) he switched parties JUST because King was a republican. Now fast forward to current day, and Dr King’s niece has come to the defense of President Donald Trump amid cries from Democrats and Leftist commentators that he is a racist. The Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Alveda King told “Fox & Friends” that such characterizations could not be further from the truth. “President Trump is not a racist,” she said Thursday. “I’ve had the experience