
Showing posts with the label Ohio

There is no justice here! Teens kill another kid and this happens!

The teens who killed a white kid during a fight outside LeBron James’   @kingjames   I Promise school   @ipromiseschool   in Akron, Ohio, ended up being acquitted of involuntary manslaughter and instead were convicted of felony and misdemeanor assault on Monday. Two men involved in the death of 17-year-old Ethan Liming last summer at LeBron James’ “I Promise” school in Akron were found ‘not guilty’ of involuntary manslaughter, according to a Summit County jury. As relayed by  cleveland .com, Deshawn Stafford Jr., 20, and Tyler Stafford, 19, were at the scene of the crime when Liming suffered a fatal hit to the head on June 2, 2022. The Summit County jury reached the decision on Monday. Deshawn and Tyler Stafford faced two counts of involuntary manslaughter. A verdict was not reached for the first count and the jury determined that the Stafford brothers were not guilty concerning the second count. Deshawn and Tyler were also charged with aggravated assault and assault. The public elemen

Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooter INFO DROPS!

After the great comments by our President concerning some horrific crimes done this past weekend where lives were lost you would think the left would loosen up on some of the redirect they have been using, and stop spreading so much hate, and lies. So as it turns out the Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooter Was Democrat Socialist, Loved Warren, Sanders. You would think that a party that claims they are the moral of a new America would embrace the moment to reflect how their own behavior is behind all the mass shootings. But no it’s the same old hateful, and racist spewing they can’t seem to get past on. I’m speaking about the DemocRATS! All I’ve heard is how TRUMP is the sole purpose off all these mass shootings, and I ask myself how delusional are these people!? Did Columbine or Sandy Hook happen under Trump’s watch? That was while Obama was in office, and I don’t remember him getting blamed for it. They said it was the guns, and now it’s all Trump. These morons like Corkey Booger as I call him