
Showing posts with the label Ma’Khia Bryant

Ma’Khia Bryant: 16-Year-Old Girl killed in police shooting!

Once again we have a case where the FACTS don’t follow the on going narrative of the land… Just like in the unjustified verdict of “Guilty” on the Floyd case of now ex cop Derek Chauvin we have another case here of a cop who is being accused of the murder of a black person. This time a 16 year old black girl who if you believe the “narrative” was an innocent kid who was targeted by an evil white supremacist cop, and killed. The bodycam however refutes this completely…. But the narrative, and the black community are sold on the victim mentality so clearly anytime now a black person dies in a shooting by a white cop the cop is a clear “neo nazi white supremacist”, and hates “blacks” this is all the want us to see folks! But in the bodycam we clearly see the 16 year old girl who’s a big fat woman and doesn’t look 16 about to STAB another black lady with a knife, and there is a fight where another black person is being kicked in the head by a man in the fight.. The cops doing his job by tr