
Showing posts with the label #IstandWithTrump

LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

After a great rally in Hialeah Florida now during Veterans day POTUS 45 soon to be POTUS 47 he's now at Claremont, N.H. starting at 2pm est. President Trump will deliver remarks in Claremont, New Hampshire, on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. The event held on Veterans Day will take place at Stevens High School. RSBN will be LIVE at 12 pm ET before President Trump takes the stage at 2 pm ET. Stay up to date on Right Side Broadcasting Network coverage, go to or download our new mobile app to get notifications for important events!

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to hold a rally in Hialeah, Florida - 11/08/23

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to hold a rally in Hialeah, Florida. President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in Hialeah, FL. The rally will take place at the Ted Hendricks Stadium at Henry Milander Park.  President Trump takes the stage at 8:00 p.m. ET. 

Tish James endorses DRAG QUEENS reading to kids!

Another reason why this woman is evil and twisted! These leftists love to go after children to twist their minds into thinking it's right to dress like a DRAQ Queen and people this leads to these grown pedophiles having it easier to do the evil they do to kids. Why do you think so many kids go missing every year? A LOT of it is due to this sickness... But now we see how evil Latisha James is she endorses this on her own Twitter. This is the woman going after Trump in New York... These people on the left who are like her need mental help. Our families go to Drag Story Hours to have fun and get our kids excited about reading. Terrorizing them with bomb threats is disgusting, and we're not going to stay silent in the face of bigotry and hate. — Tish James (@TishJames) September 24, 2023

Trump cooks Howard Stern With ‘A Broken Weirdo!’

Trump cooks Howard Stern With ‘A Broken Weirdo!’ on his Truth Social platform which I've been using more and more these days. Gotta say I love the place, and I hope it keeps growing. Great site Mr Trump. Stern, the longtime so called "bad boy shock jock of radio," who has been in my view nothing but a known racist, and clown his entire career. He's known to pander to people to ridicule them later. Look he's got no moral. Once he had Star Trek George Tekai give a man a hand job on his TV / Radio show. George who also was vocal against TRUMP and spoke out when the hot mic on the time Trump talked about grabbing dates by the "Pussy" as Trump said which is a fact. IN A Date you do that this is how sex has always worked. But Tekai was very vocal against Trump calling him all sorts of nasty stuff. But now we know better about him also...  This man Tekai is a sick person and always been one...  But now back to TRUMP who again cooked Stern hard by saying what we

Trump Is Top Choice for Nearly 60% of GOP Voters

The left keeps throwing everything at  Donald Trump  but the more they throw at himt he stronger he gets in the polls! And the only thing happening is how much the people love the man... Since all these made up charges he h as expanded his dominating lead for the Republican presidential nomination by a wide margin. Recently in a new Wall Street Journal poll shows, as GOP primary voters overwhelmingly see his four criminal prosecutions as lacking merit and about half say the indictments fuel their support for him. He now sits with a cool  of Nearly 60% of GOP Voters which is the most of anytime he's had in anytime in the past. Also within the African American community he's gone from having got 8% voting from them in 2020 the support has grown to over 20% as JOE BIDEN keeps losing popularity big time. GOP primary voters, up 11 percentage points since April, when the Journal tested a slightly different field of potential and declared candidates. Trump's lead over his top riva

Florida tax attorney Lawrence Caplan sues Trump trying to disqualify him from 2024 presidential race

So no name Boynton Beach tax attorney Lawrence Caplan filed the challenge in federal court in the Southern District of Florida citing the amendment’s “disqualification clause” for those who engage in insurrections and rebellion against the United States.  To which constitutional scholar Kevin Wagner said invoking the amendment to kick Trump off the ballot is an endeavor that faces significant legal, constitutional and political hurdles. There’s a legitimate argument that one can make surrounding the plain wording of the 14th Amendment and the accusations of what the president did on Jan. 6,’ said Wagner, a professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University. ‘But I think it’s a harder lift than people think and at the end of the day you have to find someone that’s willing to enforce it. …  Caplan’s filing asserts that Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021 violated the amendment and asks that he be barred from seeking the presidency and from appearing on the ballot in Florida’s 2024

The TikTok Biden & Gen Z plan for 2024!

JOE Biden and his agenda is now leaking out more, and more folks as he is planning to recruit army of TikTok influencers to help burnish his 2024 re-election hopes by pushing what he claims are his administration's successes! All based on pure lies, and made up crap! Love the Liberal Hivemind videos cause man does he ever speak the truth! Thanks to him I saw these clowns, and well folks watch this for yourselves and laugh! You cannot help people who are stupid, and paid off from rich leftist communist families like these two. The problem is a lot of young impressionable people on TikTok and YouTard, and FakeBook, and so on will believe these morons. The president's digital strategy team is connecting with social media celebrities and offering them their own briefing room in the White House, Axios reports. Among those recruited is Henry Sisson, a 20-year-old NYU student who runs a TikTok page with more than 600,000 followers. He offers commentary on US politics and regular

Liberals Meltdown Over Tennessee GOP EXPELLING Democrats

Remember friends Trump is being investigating for the whole JAN 6th so called capitol insurrection in DC? Well these 3 congress people need to be removed from the position and impeached out. Why aren't people facing charges and a bigger deal being made here? These people brought people who crashed and stopped the actual process of government.  The people who entered the capitol on JAN 6th are being treated like evil people for simply wanting to making America Great and Making it so we continue to see ourselves as "First" and these people here are just staging this insurrection in Tennessee state legislation event. This now needs to be treated like how they did to the people on JAN 6th or release, pardon, and drop the 1/6 scam.  The protest unfolded days after the shooting at the Covenant School, a private Christian school where  six people were killed , including three children. “We are losing our democracy. This is not normal. This is not OK,” Pearson told reporters as h

Major fail by the fake news Washington POST! WOW!

So President Donald Trump said most cities that had the most crime were ran by democRATS, and in an effort to make him look dumb the New York Post posted the following chart showing the highest crime cities. Once again folks it’s like they’re openly either trying to make him look right OR liberals, and the fake news people in the media are really this stupid.

Trump holds MAGA rally in Tulsa, OK

Live: President Donald Trump holds a Make America Great Again rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is the first event on this scale since the country went into lockdown in an effort to limit the spread of coronavirus. 🔴 FULL COVERAGE: President Donald Trump Rally in Tulsa, OK 6/20/2020 #IstandWithTrump #MAGA2020

President Trump celebrates 74th birthday!

President Trump celebrates 74th birthday today, and as a supporter I’d like to wish POTUS 45 and current US president a very Happy Birthday! President Trump was born on June 14, 1946. The man has had a lot of hate from the evil leftist for his 4 years in office. But he’s a real BOSS! He’s draining the swamp, and we love this man like he loves our flag, and country. Happy Birthday President Trump! — FOX Carolina News (@foxcarolinanews) June 14, 2020 It’s Flag Day Houston!!! it’s also President Donald Trump’s bday. POTUS turned 72 years old today. @POTUS #PresidentTrump #HappyBirthdayTrump #HappyBirthdayMrPresident — CW39Houston (@CW39Houston) June 14, 2018

"I have turned my back on the idea of victimization mentality." Kanye West & Antonia Okafor

So I ran by this video below with Kanye West & Antonia Okafor whom both vocalized perfectly what I’ve gone thru since I voted for Trump in 2016. This video is almost on par with my own experience and I’m latino, and it’s funny being these are two African Americans on the video, and it still showed how my views had evolved politically over time like theirs, and how I opened my eyes like they did. Like them my so called peers, and friends took issues with this and while a lot of my friends don’t care, and are still friends I too have seen a change in tone on how they treat me but for the most part they’re cool, and I was touched by this video by Prager University with Kanye West, and Antonia Okafor. One of my best friends of 25 years from high school who practically was like my brother stopped speaking to me in 2017 because I voted for Trump, and he’s latino like myself, and a socialist democrat. Which was news to me the socialist party. I always knew he was liberal but the fact he h

Shepard Smith of FOX NEWS and frequent anti Trump is stepping down

“Recently I asked the company to allow me to leave FOX News and begin a new chapter. After requesting that I stay, they graciously obliged. The opportunities afforded this guy from small town Mississippi have been many,” Smith said in a statement, and good riddance! “It’s been an honor and a privilege to report the news each day to our loyal audience in context and with perspective, without fear or favor. I’ve worked with the most talented, dedicated and focused professionals I know and I’m proud to have anchored their work each day—I will deeply miss them.” Smith was among Fox’s first hires upon launching in 1996 and he became the network’s signature daytime newsman, often acting as the anchor to enter other broadcasts to helm coverage of breaking news like the 2015 Paris attacks and the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri. “Even in our currently polarized nation, it’s my hope that the facts will win the day,” Smith said as he signed off his final broadcast. “That the truth will always m

🔴LIVE: President Trump Rally - Lake Charles, Louisiana

Watch live from FOX and a feed showing the President talking about China, and boarding AIR FORCE ONE to head out to a President Trump Rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Good day for America, and our POTUS45 in terms of his deal with China. This is a good day for them also, and our farmers will net 40 to 50 Billion on return, and as the President joked they might need more land, and farm equipment to keep up. 🔴LIVE: President Donald Trump MASSIVE Rally in Lake Charles Louisiana

A Little light hearted Trump humor on why he's Orange!:)

Trump says he looks orange because of energy-efficient light bulbs during a speech for House Republicans on Thursday night, Donald Trump blamed his orange appearance on the most nefarious political villain of our time: light bulbs. The Trump administration announced earlier this month that it would soften federal rules requiring light bulbs to meet certain energy efficiency standards. The rules, which eliminated light bulbs that weren’t either LED or fluorescent, would “save electricity equivalent to the output of at least 25 large power plants,” according to the New York Times. While Trump has long been correct on climate change which is why he has no problem joking about being “orange” this is something the socialist left don’t have. A Sense of humor! Somehow I’m sure some idiot is cooking up a website somewhere making up claims that he’s got a “vendetta against light bulbs” now. This is where we are in America with the DemoncRATS folks. “People said, what’s with the light bulb?” he

Donald Trump Lets This Homeless Black Woman Live At Trump Tower For Free over a decade now

For someone who people say he’s a racist Donald Trump does a piss poor job as one… You see folks Trump is not a racist, and he’s proven that for decades. But Let This Homeless Black Woman explain her side to a touching story the media won’t share with you. She Live At Trump Tower For Free, and so for a decade plus. God bless her as she’s clearly elderly, and not in great health… IF he was a racist he wouldn’t tell the cops to take a hike, and he wouldn’t have let her stay, and have her treated this great all these years. He’s not a saint… But nobody is. This man is a good guy, and the media is trying to destroy him because the fix is in folks. They want Hillary Clinton really bad as the next President. Hillary stands for socialism, and that’s what the media wants, and that’s who runs them socialist democrats who are trying to destroy this country from within. WE CANNOT EVER let socialism or communism take this country. #MAGA #IStandWithTrump

Homeless Woman Becomes YouTube Sensation After She Defends Trump's Star On Walk Of Fame

Homeless Woman Becomes YouTube Sensation After She Defends Donald Trump’s Star On Walk Of Fame and godbless her for showing the ignorant morons out there trying to take down the STAR because they’re being lied to about the man in the media… Hope this brings to light the actions, stupidity, and criminal minded behavior of the socialist morons in this country. Look at how that fat cow of a bully is doing to a sweet old lady who happens to be homeless. I hope we find her, and help for her kindness, and great tribute to Donald. And I hope the fat grotesque of a person bullying her gets hit by a city bus. This is hard to watch folks. The unidentified woman went on a verbal tirade against President Obama and immigration before many in the crowd decided to show their displeasure, some ripping up her signs. Greg Mills reports. IF you have any info on her or the fat asshole let the cops know… OR myself, and I will happily go face the coward man to man, and beat the shit out of him like he did t