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North Korean leader in grave danger after surgery

So The US is monitoring the so called “intelligence” which considering how the country works to lie to us about everything! But they have said that North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong (make em say) Un, na na na! is in grave danger after a surgery, according to a US official with direct knowledge. Couldn’t happen to a bigger dipshit unless it was the leader of CHINA! Or a member of the socialist congress. But senior Kim recently missed the celebration of his grandfather’s birthday on April 15, which raised speculation about his health. Kim had been seen four days before that at a government meeting… Another US official reported Monday that the concerns about Kim’s health are credible but the severity is hard to assess. A recent scoop said he might even be brain dead (which I thought was a birth defect?) and that his sister was about to be sworn in as Korean Queen Bitch. The online newspaper “Daily NK” which is based in South Korea that focuses on North Korea, reported that Kim received a car