
Showing posts with the label Fish Stripes

Angel Espino to be a Guest on Fish Stripes!

Well this is cool! As you all know I'm a big baseball fan and a BIG Miami Marlins fan and for me having watched 4 world series live from "1988-1989" in California to "1997 & 2003" in Miami Florida! I've been a fan since I was a kid and my father is the man to blame. He took me to all those games even when we had moved to Miami in 1985 he went back to Cali with me to see them two WORLD SERIES sine one of my uncles (his brothers) still lived out west and always got us tickets to the playoffs, and WS games if we we're able to go. As of luck got to see all those home games out there, and then it repeated itself here in Miami when the Marlins known then as "Florida Marlins" went to the World Series. As of luck got to see all those home games out there, and then it repeated itself here in Miami when the Marlins known then as "Florida Marlins" went to the World Series. So while I've done very little of my own in terms on podcasting s