
Showing posts with the label Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney you are the weakest link!!

Mitt Romney the only GOP senator not invited to join Trump’s coronavirus congressional group, and remember Mitt Romney was also the only Republican to vote to convict Trump in his impeachment trial. President Donald Trump tapped every Republican senator to join a congressional group aimed at reopening America amid the coronavirus outbreak! Well not everyone… See Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah didnt get an invite. The GOP 2012 presidential nominee and loser, was the only GOP senator to vote to convict Trump in his impeachment trial this year. Romney voted to convict Trump on the abuse of power charge and to acquit on the obstruction of Congress charge. More than 20 congressional Democrats were tapped to serve on the task force, including some of the senators who voted to convict Trump. Trump participated in phone calls with the group on Thursday. The White House said in a press release that they discussed the needed for more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program, expanding access to COV


One thing I love about President Trump is how he calls people out, and things out for what they are so him calling what he’s been put thru as the “single greatest scam in the history of American politics”, is both the truth, and not shocking from a guy who’s open, and transparent about his politics like Trump. He’s been open during the Russia investigation, and now on this Ukraine call. I’d like to see Obama’s transcripts with IRAN leaders or Russian leaders but the left doesn’t want to go there. They know the skeletons in the closet will put a lot of them away in prison for a long time, and so while Trump delivered a strong message about the impeachment witch-hunt directly to the American people he also pushed a very bold move on immigration. With “Nasty Nervous” Nancy Pelosi’s behavior adding fuel to the fire, the Trump campaign raised $13M in 2 days to ensure the radical DemonscRATS party doesn’t get anywhere near the Oval Office. But with the left now in full cognitive dissonance a