
Showing posts with the label The DNC

Proud Boys leader held for burning Black Lives Matter flag

Enrique Tarrio the face of a major faction of The Proud Boys faces misdemeanour destruction of property charges, police say. He has reportedly admitted torching a banner taken from a black church during a rally in December in the city. President Donald Trump has been urging supporters to gather in the capital this week for another demonstration. On Wednesday, members of Congress are due to certify Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory before he takes office on 20 January. Mr Tarrio has said on the social media app Parler that the Proud Boys will “turn out in record numbers on Jan 6th”, referring to his members as “the most notorious group of extraordinary gentlemen”. The National Guard has been deployed by Muriel Bowser the so called Washington DC’s mayor who asked them to assist local authorities. Officials say the troops will not be armed and will be there to assist with crowd management and traffic control. Ofcourse when it was BLM, and Antifa she didn’t ask for

DNC 2020: Joe Biden convention speech fact-checked! All these lies!

Joe “Bozo” Biden crawled from his basement and has made his first major speech as the Democratic presidential nominee at the party’s convention… If that’s what you wanted to call this show which was such a clown show it should be produced by “National Lampoon Presents D20” this folks was laughably bad, and Bozo Biden said President Trump had “cloaked America in darkness” and made several claims about his record in office, including his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. So the BBC did some fact checking, and I seen them post this up so I had to share it with you all. But first let a real President have the floor first… Take a look at three of these claims. Claim 1: “We lead the world in confirmed cases. We lead the world in deaths.” Mr Biden criticised President Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak saying he had failed to protect American people. The US does have the highest number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the world,  with more than 5.5 million confirmed cases an

Trump rips Obama’s DNC speech: ‘He spied on my campaign and got caught’

President Trump tuned in to watch the third night of the Democratic National Convention for  Barack Obama’s anticipated address  as we know he loves tweeting his displeasure at those who are his foes, and well he’s got no bigger one then Obama himself, and as his predecessor  accused him of being unfit for the job . Trump fired back in a counter punch of truth! “He spied on my campaign, and got caught!” Trump  wrote in all caps , without directly referring to Obama as the ex-president delivered a rare rebuke of his successor’s time in the White House. “Why did he refuse to endorse slow Joe until it was all over, and even then was very late? Why did he try to get him not to run??” Trump  followed in another tweet , barbing Obama for endorsing his veepee so late in the primary process. Trump didn’t switch the channel as Biden’s new running mate took the stage, either, skewering Kamala Harris for a now-infamous debate-stage exchange on race in which Harris insinuated Biden was a racist. “

Feel the BERN! As we say bye to another communist A-Hole

In a move we all saw coming like the end of the 1999 movie by James Cameron Titanic! Senator Bernie Sanders, the communist Democrat from Vermont, ends his presidential bid today. Sanders says former Vice President Joe Biden will be the party nominee. Well no shit sherlock! Oh, and Biden stands no chance of winning either…. I’d like for him to talk about his sexual assault charge from 1993 tho publically. Can anyone in the media bring that up? Why do I think I’m going to be hearing crickets on that from the Media!?? Anyway here is the video below enjoy the laugh as he of course takes a shot at Trump, and says more lies about the President. He also goes on, and on about smoking grass, and listening to the roots or some TREE hugging hippie communist crap. Either way this old fart is now out. 1 more to go, Quid Pro JOE “turn around your facing the wrong way dork the crowd is in front not back of you, and don’t fight with your voters you fool” Biden. Who never saw a supporter he didn’t wan

Super Tuesday II: : 'Biden vs Sanders'

So it’s the 2nd Super Tuesday, and like we all knew Joe Biden is going to easily win the DNC over crazy commie Bernie… I mean once AOC endorsed Sanders I knew he was done. She’s the final nail in the Sanders Presidential Coffin. Her endorsement is as good as hearing that you have both brain, and ass cancer, and have a week to live. AOC is someone hated by just about everyone except some very stupid teenage girls who I guess have a higher IQ than she does, and it makes them feel like “if this moron can get to congress we can reach the stars!” That’s the most positive thing I can think off when it comes to AOC sorry. But like I said when she backed Bernie I knew he was done, and doesn’t matter how many gaffe’s or mental mistakes Biden makes he’s loved by the leftist crooked media, and they will back him, and cover for him until it’s November, and Trump is re-elected. What will happen who knows. All I know is that either Sanders or Biden is bad for this country for the same reason! They’r