
Showing posts with the label Jamaican

Biden losing ground with Black Voters! + Hilarious Biden Video!

“The latest Rasmussen poll found that a third of black likely voters said they are ‘less likely’ to vote for Biden after the Harris pick, while a third said they were ‘more likely’ to do so, and another third either said the VP pick will have no impact or their votes or that they weren’t sure what impact it will have.” Now folks I’m just gonna read you a quote from the story. This is from the story. This is not from me okay? “Kamala Harris is among the slimiest of politicians and her prickly style makes her less likable as well. While Biden may have thought he would bolster his intersectionality credentials by picking the Democrats’ Great Black-Asian Female Hope as his VP, it seems he merely ended up shooting himself in the foot…” This is… By the way, Tyler O’Neil is the author who wrote that. I think the big mistake picking a… He boxed himself in. He guaranteed that he had to pick a black woman or, well, “a woman of color.” He had to check a box. Nothing about qualification. Nothing a