
Showing posts with the label Child Molester

Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly ready to name names

Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell is reportedly ready to name names and set to cooperate with the FBI after her arrest; reaction and analysis on ‘The Five.’ This is going to get interesting as I wonder who she will name! Oh I know a lot of the names which have floated around the internet for months but let’s see who she officially says is behind not just the funding but the people involved in the sex trafficking, and the people who were behind the Pedo Island ran by Jeffrey Epstein. This is finally happening these sick pedophiles are being exposed, and this is why Hollywood, and a lot of the elitists are shaking in their GAP boots, and crying into their STARBUCKS cups. These sick rich fucks who have been molesting, and raping children for years are going to be exposed… Now don’t get this wrong this woman needs to goto prison forever herself as she is guilty of being part of the entire ring. She raped children herself, and belongs in prison. But it’s good that she’s brok

Creepy Joe Biden Confronted Over PEDOPHILIA!

Howard Caplan attended the event at Global Institute of Long Island University “You know you did it, everybody’s seen it!” is heard on the video, and indeed it’s true this isn’t new news this has been known for years but the very leftist media will not touch this. They have turned a blind eye to all gus clear crimes, and still want to impeach an innocent Donald Trump. Shameful. Come 2020! Don’t vote for JOE! “Ex-Vice President Joe Biden was confronted at an event in New York being streamed in Live TV over his infamous ‘inappropriate behavior’ with touching young girls.Howard Caplan attended the event at Global Institute of Long Island University, which featured speaker Joe Biden.Caplan took the opportunity to call out the former Vice President regarding the viral videos of him groping young girls.”