
Showing posts with the label Ann Coulter

Yvette Nicole Brown VS Ann Coulter!

Ann Coulter sparks outrage? WTF? After tweeting that she wants accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 for president, and when he’s old enough I think he would make a fine President someday. Good kid that Kyle. But of course with the left he’s a criminal mastermind of hate! Never mind he was being chased, shot at, and he was there as a medic to help. Oh, and the guys he shot were not black just common criminals. Well one who died in a red shirt was a child rapist, and the other 2 also known criminals, and who abused women mind you. So the guy defending himself who was like everyone else white. But leave it to one moron dipped in human filth named Yvette Nicole Brown to defend a pedophile, and 2 abusers of woman because Black Lives Matter? WTF? The left is beyond repair in the stupid fucktardness of their behavior. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter tweeted support for accused Wisconsin shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, saying “I want him as my president”. Twitter removed Ms Coulter’s st