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Pentagon signs off on Trump request to use $3.6 billion for border construction

You see folks the “WALL” is going to be build, and once again President TRUMP is “WINNING” and this has the DemocRATS going crazy! They want open borders, and not a “WALL” these people want drugs, gangs, and massive illegals to cross. They want the end of our countries laws. But why would people want to come here when these same LAWS they want here didn’t work in their countries? Why not like Trump said go back to your country, and fix your mess, and leave us the hell alone! Ok so I added the “Leave us the hell alone!” part but you get what I’m saying folks? Here is a report from Washington, and a video which starts off with them talking about the storm, and I cut it into when it goes into the money for the wall. Notice when the man says that “NANCY PELOSI” “is not informed.” Yea no kidding! Nasty Nancy ain’t dealing with facts or a full deck these days. Washington — The Pentagon on Tuesday formally authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in military funding for the construction