
Showing posts with the label Jerry Nadler

Hearing Erupts As Jim Jordan school board videos Blocked By DemocRATS!

Shouldn’t be of shock that Jerry Nadler and his communist behavior in this video… They don’t follow the rules they violate house rules and this video is clear proof of this behavior. They lie, move the rules to fit their agenda and don’t follow actual laws or rules this folks is communists behavior. This is one of the main problems in this country. ‘What Are You Afraid Of?’ Hearing Erupts As Jim Jordan Blocked By Dems From Showing Video but there is more. Plus we have some videos here showing how parents are reacting to these mandates. ‘Fight For Your Rights For Your Kids’: Burgess Owens Implores Parents To Get Active.

WATCH: Video of Jerry Nadler pooping his pants!

So this video of Jerry Nadler Looking Uncomfortable at a press conference has gone viral. In the video while House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi on September 23 was on stage something strange happened! Nadler, who represents New York’s 10th Congressional District, sparked concerns for his health after viewers watched his unstable walk while leaving the podium. In the video, Nadler, who also serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, suddenly grabs the side of the podium he’s standing next to as Pelosi discusses new legislation called the “Protecting our Democracy” Act. He then walks off the stage appearing quite disoriented and walking extremely tentatively. Is Jerry Nadler ok? What is going on here? — RD (@real_defender) September 23, 2020 Shortly afterward, the video circulated Twitter with thousands of users online sharing the same rumored conclusion — that Nadler “s*** his pants.” The term “poop his pants” also started to trend nationally on Go

Former Antifa Member Reacts To Democrat Congressman Nadler Saying Antifa Is "Imaginary"

Former Antifa Member Reacts To Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler Saying Antifa Is “Imaginary” which further shows how crazy, and sold out congress is, and Nadler is. Yes the terrorist group “Antifa” is real, and I cannot believe that this moron is denying the fact. While debating the police reform bill in the House chamber on Thursday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) suggested that the domestic terrorist group Antifa is “imaginary.” “…Dealing with imaginary things, like Antifa,” were Nadler’s exact words during his speech. . @RepJerryNadler just said #ANTIFA was “imaginary.” Seriously? Tell that to the business owners whose shops were looted and destroyed. — House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) June 25, 2020 Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) wasted no time pouncing on the “scary” notion made by Nadler when given the chance to respond. “I can’t believe the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee would utter such a statement on the House f

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Wipes Her Nose & Then Touched the Podium that Her Colleague Use! Gross!

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Wipes Her Nose & Then Touched the Podium that Her Colleague Use! Showing once more that you can have tons of money but it cannot buy you class, and good hygiene. Also this violates the CDC rules set. She looks sick, and could get others sick also. Now the members in attendance did appear to be following covid19 social distancing guidelines to an extent they had seats spaced out and many wore face coverings ranging from scarves to medical masks. As they took their turns at the podium, things appeared to fall apart fast. These are our so called leaders folks… Caleb Hull tweeted a series of photos from Thursday’s session showing representatives on both sides of the aisle having difficulty wrestling with their face coverings. Dude, the mask does nothing if it isn’t covering your mouth… — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) April 23, 2020 You cannot make this up: “We are wearing masks. I’m not wearing a mask while speaking, but as soon as I stop speaki


I speak to a lot of people, and nobody that I speak to is even paying attention. So I hope these idiots in congress understand that not only the ratings are low but man without any proof, and this whole thing’s started on lies, and hate for Trump, and possibly other things that the left is scare about with Trump. Like he will win in 2020….. They even said it themselves. By the way am I the only one who wants to punch someone hard in the face everytime Adam Schiff speaks? So here we go again folks enjoy the Schiff show!

Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew to become Republican!

That’s right friends known to be against this circus, and one who was one of just two House Democrats to oppose the House’s November vote to set impeachment rules Rep. Jeff Van Drew, anti-impeachment Democrat, expected to switch parties after Trump meeting. Officials said Saturday that Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, a vocally anti-impeachment Democrat, will join the Republican Party in the coming days delivering a political jolt to Democrats ahead of next week’s expected vote to impeach the president. The decision, they said, came after Van Drew joined President Trump for a lengthy Friday meeting, during which Trump urged him to join the GOP, and who in an interview with Fox Business last month, said he would vote against articles of impeachment unless he hears evidence against the President that I quote would “rises to the level of treason or a high crime.” Watch the latest video at Since we know this is all based on lies, hersey and assumptions and no real evidence of

House DemocRATS released two draft articles of impeachment!

Earlier today, House Democrats released two draft articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. NADLER Saying Trump will rig the election is hilarious when they have hoaxed this entire thing against Trump, and the entire impeachment b/s is a scam! THE Democrats are the ones trying to rig the election. It’s hilarious how these con artists love to blame TRUMP for their crimes! This is incredible folks…. I think it’s time WE the people hold pro Trump protests outside of CONGRESS! I’m in Miami FL but I’m willing to go, and join the protest of CONGRESS for this lie, and all this nonsense. These democRATS are evil, and so full of themselves! IT’S time to vote OUT EVERY DemocRAT in the next election.

New resolution could remove Jerry Nadler as judiciary committee chair

This has to happen! This man is one of the main people behind this entire b/s against Trump. Nadler, and Pelosi need to be removed, and the Fraud Squad need to be in prison, and deported when they finish their jail time. This is beyond time people on the right, and the left who care about this country start to move in the right direction and remove the real evil which is hurting our country. The hate on Trump by Nadler isn’t anything new they have had a grudge since the 80’s so you want to know “WHY” Nadler doesn’t stop, and allow our President to be the President, and help the country more than he has been able too? Check this out folks The animosity between Jerry Nadler and Donald Trump goes way back. In the 1980s, the two fought in New York City over a proposed development. Trump’s “ridiculous” plan was not built, but Nadler was not happy with the eventual compromise. Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) explains why he wants to remove Jerry Nadler as judiciary committee chairman and Nancy Pelo

Jim Jordan calls out House DemoncRATS!

Direct quote from Mr Jordan “Figure out who’s ‘going to jail’ over Trump-Russia, Clinton probes!” – Jim Jordan Those were the words as he called the left DemoncRATS who prepare to proceed with their legislative agenda, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said lawmakers should shift their focus from impeachment to investigating former FBI Director James Comey and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Which I agree with 100% And still wonder why are the Dems so hung up on Trump when they have skeleton sin their own closet they refuse to look at! “When you’re solely focused on going after the president you can’t do what’s best for the country. And that’s been the problem with the Democrats,” Jordan said Monday on “Fox & Friends.” Once again he’s 100% correct, and this is why the President has had to do some things without Congress because it’s clear they’re not on the side of the American people, and or this current President. “Jim Comey… is the guy solely responsible for putting the countr

Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Nadler & Co Caught In Major Lie!

So in the Impeachment Proceedings, Court Docs Show They Started Before Mueller Turned In the infamous Report which showed the President did nothing wrong, and that the left hung their hopes would crucify Trump. Speculation, Analysis & Opinion of Kirsters B| House Judiciary Committee Democrats indicated in a Monday court filing that they have been working on an impeachment probe of President Donald Trump since before special counsel Robert Mueller even submitted his report. This seems to contradict previous comments made by committee chairman New York Democrat Jerry Nadler and California Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Earlier this month, Nadler claimed that “formal impeachment proceedings” were beginning as he filed “a petition to get secret grand jury information from the Mueller report. But Monday’s filing in a separate case looking to compel testimony from former White House counsel Don McGahn suggested that it had already started on March 4 — weeks before Mueller sent hi

Jerry Nadler is EVIL case closed! This man is crazy.

Jerry Nadler, (House Judiciary Committee Chairman) (D-N.Y.) confirmed on Thursday that his committee has now launched “formal impeachment proceedings” into the alleged misconduct of President Donald Trump. Appearing on CNN, (FAKE NEWS) Nadler said people shouldn’t be “hung up on the semantics” since his committee is “investigating” the facts and evidence. Meaning “Hey doesn’t matter if he’s guilty or if this is even based on reality we’re can’t beat Trump in 2020 so we’re doing this. He said that he “wasn’t waiting” for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who has been publicly reluctant to support impeachment, but added that she’s been “very cooperative” with his investigation. So let me guess this right they want to impeach someone based on fake information created by Hillary Clinton, and others who are the actual ones which need to be looked into. There has to be a way to stop Jerry and the evil left from this twisted plot and agenda of theirs. After being pressed as to whether his

Rep. Jerry Nadler recounts battling Donald Trump in 1980s NYC

The animosity between Jerry Nadler and Donald Trump goes way back. In the 1980s, the two fought in New York City over a proposed development. Trump’s “ridiculous” plan was not built, but Nadler was not happy with the eventual compromise.