
Showing posts with the label Religious

Woman Tosses A Priest Off The Stage During A Live Mass Broadcast

You have to watch this "Viral footage" showing a woman, who had been listening from the audience, suddenly launch herself at the priest who goes flying off the stage. It was first reported that she was reacting after telling worshippers that ‘fat women don’t go to heaven’, according to Diario 1. But later reports said this was not the case but that she was suffering with mental health issues. Priest gets Eliminated by a woman Mid-Sermon... — Fight Haven (@FightHaven) March 27, 2023 Reports have identified the priest as Marcelo Rossi a well known religious figure in the country who is said to have been left uninjured. (Thank god? heh) Although the priest is not heard making the statement during the short clip, some reports say he allegedly made the comment prior to the woman’s attack. Around 50,000 worshipers are seen standing up from their seats in shock as the priest dramatically tumbles down the stage stairs onto the floor. According to A


This is insane and a sign of what I’ve been saying about the Muslim people coming to America and bringing their weird, wicked, and evil agenda. Well folks this is something that is being now helped by the judges? We know the Leftist congress, and senate are sold out to the Muslim Brotherhood, and this rape and case is being handled like if it never happened. A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows the length or terms of the sentence because the judge has barred everyone in the courtroom, including the victim’s own parents, from speaking about the case.

Boyhood Home of Jesus Discovered?

Now this is impossible to back up but there is a claim going around that the Boyhood Home of Jesus was recently Discovered? To me it reminds me of where a young “Anakin Skywalker” is seen to live in the movie “Star Wars: Phantom Manace” Now the story which isn’t new but is getting new publicity for some reason, and well I thought I’d bring it to you is that an archaeologist from England believes that a house found beneath a convent in Nazareth was the boyhood home of Jesus Christ. The man behind the bold claim is Reading University professor Ken Dark, who has reportedly been studying the remnants of the residence for the last 14 years. He argues that the structure, which has been identified as being built in the first century AD, is a fairly ordinary home for the time period, but it also boasts a number of elements which, he contends, reveal its profound significance. Specifically, Dark notes that the construction of the house is in keeping with the advanced skill level of a type of cr

Soldier Goes To Taco Bell & what happens next is priceless!

So this Soldier Army Lt. Col. Robert Risdon Goes To Order Taco Bell Meal, Stops when he hears two boys behind him trying to sell candy for a local church… Touched by the kids reason for selling candy in front of the store, and the restful attitude the kids had he did a very nice, and noble thing. IN The video below Unbeknownst to the uniformed soldier, he had captured the attention of Jason Gibson, a man who was sitting alone and eating his meal. Both Risdon and Gibson quickly noticed a couple of boys darting around the front of the restaurant. When Risdon overheard what the boys were up to, he wanted to ask the boys a question, and it nearly left Gibson choking on his burrito. Shocked, he whipped out his phone and started to record. Now this video is a bit old as it was posted last Mar 28, 2019… Now feels like a decade ago I know… Just think these are the same soldiers that the left are saying are “STORMTROOPERS” and have done NOTHING but trash, and dishonor the name of everyone who’s

Happy 4th of July to all!

On this wonderful day, we celebrate our history, our heroes, our heritage, our flag, and our FREEDOM. The land that gave us some of the greatest men, and women to ever shape our world. As we sadly sometimes do let’s try and not forget how we got here, and how we are the country that everyone else wants to be like. Why else are so many people from other lands want to come here? This country is by far the greatest one on earth, and It’s not even open for debate in my opinion… So again friends Happy Fourth of July to Everyone! Hope you enjoy it, and enjoy the videos below. On this wonderful day, we celebrate our history, our heroes, our heritage, our flag, and our FREEDOM. Happy Fourth of July to Everyone! #SaluteToAmerica — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 5, 2020 This is incredible. Apparently people don’t take kindly to being told there won’t be any fireworks on the 4th of July. 🇺🇸 — Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 5

LIVE: President Trump South Dakota’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebrations

President Trump is about to speak in South Dakota’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebrations! Check out the video footage below!

Out of

The "Out Of Shadows" documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy. This project is the result of two years of work made by a team of professionals. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there.   This project was independently produced and funded. It is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch, share, and download. Please feel free to share this video with your friends and families.   If you enjoyed the information and want to help us continue to fund future projects, Please consider making a donation below.

Nancy Pelosi Exposed As Fraud, Recites Her Favorite Bible Quote- One Problem…

Democratic House Speaker in name only Nasty Nancy Pelosi gave a speech in front of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. During the speech, Pelosi shared her favorite Bible quote… the only issue is that the quote the House Speaker shared is not actually a quote from the Bible. Pelosi said, “To minister to the needs of God’s creation is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us.” The Democrat did admit, however, that she wasn’t able to find the exact quote in the Bible. She insisted, “I quote it all the time. And I keep reading and reading the Bible. I know it’s there someplace. It’s supposed to be in Isaiah.”It’s not clear where the quote originated. Dementia… The Democrat attributed the quote to a “Bishop,” who she was unable to identify. The Blaze reported that the Biblical quote that most closely relates to the “quote” that Pelosi shared is located in the Proverbs. Will Kynes, an associate professor of Hebrew Bible at Whitworth Univer

Merry Christmas from President Trump...

Under President Trump, Americans can say “Merry Christmas!” again! — Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) December 24, 2019 To all here is the President wishing the service people a great Christmas also the night before.