
Showing posts with the label Syria

How Obama and Clinton Created the Mess in Syria

So good ol RUSH Limbaugh god bless him he’s telling it how it is again, and the left isn’t gonna like this! Now check out this post on how exactly it was that Obama, and Clinton created the entire mess in Syria, and now Trump is catching the blame because that’s what happens when the left does something they can’t admit to now is blame TRUMP! Even tho this mess was Obama’s doing, and not Trump they cannot, and will not ever admit that Obama is a dirtbag, and is responsible for all of the mess, and Trump is doing what needs to be done to clean up the “SWAMP!” Watch this before you [ Keep Reading ] RUSH: You remember when the Benghazi thing happened there were immediately questions asked, “What in the world was the ambassador doing there?” Libya had become an absolute hellhole. It was stateless. It was being run by various terrorist camps. The Benghazi attack happens, and one of the explanations we got for the ambassador being there was that he was actually participating in an arms — wh

RAND PAUL EXPLAINS HOW Trump did NOT give Turkey permission to invade!

Rand Paul did a brilliant job of explaining why it wasn’t a bad move by the President to remove the 50 soldiers we had stationed helping the Kurds. This is what I was talking about from the moment he made the move. Happy to see Rand Paul talk about this with Glenn Beck. I love Beck’s show, and think what he’s been doing is really bringing to light the hypocrisy on the left. And Happy to see Rand Paul join the party here, and not just explain but blow the entire left out of the water with this explanation. Senator Rand Paul breaks down the recent conflict in the Middle East. Turkey invaded Syria earlier this month, nearly destroying the nation’s northern area where the Syrian Kurds live. But Paul says we need to look back at the region’s history before we make assumptions about present day current events. In fact, Paul argues the irony of the destruction is that an important truce could develop between Assad and the Kurds, resulting in a semi-autonomous region there. AND, he argues, Tru