
Showing posts with the label FEMA

President Trump Unveils MAJOR Breakthrough + $CASH$ Coming your way!

Now besides getting us a vaccine to help end this CoronaVirus nightmare the President has signed into action the bill that will help each, and everyone who needs monetary help during this world wide outbreak. He’s moved as fast as possible to help the everyday citizen during these hard hard times, and looks like there will be checks coming in to help alleviate the loss of jobs, and wages since the virus started to spread. This of course has been a horrible nightmare which has caused a worldwide crises now, and folks like myself who are dealing with health issues and mounting bills as it is will be helped greatly by what the President just did. We should all be thankful to have a President who cares about us so much that he’s going out of his way from the very start to help keep the American people safe, and with all the uncertainties we’re facing we have to remember he’s a human also, and this is something nobody could have seen coming. He was wise enough to shut down the flights from