
Showing posts with the label Quid Pro Quote

Audio by 'Quid Pro Joe' pressuring Ukraine to fire prosecutor leaks!

Lawmaker releases audio of purported phone calls with former VeePee!! Now Joe Biden already is on video boasting of a quid pro quo with Ukraine, which happened to be the charge Democrats used to impeach President Trump you member? Let’s head down memory lane for a minute…. The Senate acquitted Trump for impeachment, and while that was underway the do nothing DemocRATS wasted our time on a FAKE investigation… A HOAX! We the people got side stepped by China who’s put the entire world in lockdown. While fighting for his President seat Trump was also FIRST to notice something was wrong so he wanted to lock down flights ion and out of CHINA! The do nothing good DemocRATS called him a RACIST! A Xenophobe! They lied, and used Adam Schiff’s bullshit lies to hoax, and con the entire country. All this to cover for what? Perhaps for what he would stumble on with Biden, and their money making machine of corruption and expose it? MAYBE! On Tuesday, Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach re